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New users have no display name
Bill Murray
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 19, 2011 - 12:05 am

#1 - I had a couple of users register on my forum (I think that is where they registered, because I don't have any other registration links), and they appear in the Forum->Users list, but have no display name.  As a result, they don't appear in the list of Newest members.  However, I tried registration on my own, refreshed the user list on the back end, and the display names appeared on both the back and front end.  I do have caching enabled, but one of these visitors registered yesterday, yet didn't display on first looking at the user list.

#2 - On the list of members on the forum, it looks like the Last Visit was set to the date I created the forum.  These were registered users on my site, but they all show the same date as last visit, so I'm guessing that was the date.  Perhaps on initial forum creation the date of last visit should be blank?

#3 - On the back end, it shows an icon for the Posts count, but on front end, it shows -1.  If I get enough members with -1 posts, will my site disappear?  It's late.  You may not get my humor.  I'm sure you'll work it out.

#4 - In exploring the registration issue, I registered myself, and can log into the forum, but I don't appear in the back end user list.  However, I do appear in the list of newest members on the front end.

#4 - Odd ball question: is there any SPF code that would re-direct or refer to /wp-index.php?  I have a little script that sends me an email when there is a bad link on my site, and I get an email referring to that URL when someone registers, but my own test of registration didn't trigger it, and my searches have come up empty.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 19, 2011 - 4:09 am

Please bear in mind that my knowledge of MS is pretty limited and Steve may have to contradict something I write here - or I might be just plain wrong! - but I will have a go from the perspective of a normal single site install.

  1. Two things to say about the Newest Members list first - (a) a new registrant will NOT appear in that list until they actually visit the forum - they are added to the list at that first visit; (b) the list is also cached and refreshes about once an hour so sometimes they may not appear immediately.
    I am concerned some of your new users have no display name however as this should be created at the same time as the new user registration and is based upon your option setting in the Profiles > Options admin panel. There are all kinds of checks in the code to ensure that a display name is created if the user themselves do no supply one falling back on duplicating their chosen login name. If you can recreate this would you kindly give us the steps to do so?
  2. When the forum 'sfmembers' entry is created - either for existing users when SP is first installed or for subsequent new registrants - the last visit date is set at the timestamp of creation (i,e., 'now'). While I would agree that this is inaccurate, the last visited date is used internally for more than just display and informational purposes. Primarily it is used to create each users list of new and therefore unread posts and it is important that it be filled.
  3. We do indeed - using a random number algorithm - remove a post for each user with a -1 post count so you need to watch them! Well... not really. A -1 is used to denote a registrant who has never actually paid a visit to the forum. Again this is a fairly important internal marker for other events and code within SP. For example - it is the move from a -1 to zero (i.e., a genuine first visit) that triggers their name to be placed in the newest members list.
    However - you should not see -1's displayed on the front end so that might be a bug. Can you tell me where you are seeing this please so we can look into it?
  4. Steve - any ideas? If you can log in and see the forums as that user then there is no doubt it is a bona-fide account. What about the caching you said you gave active? Could that be the reason?
  5. None whatsoever. And unless this is some MS thing there is no such file as wp-index.php. The whole registration process is pure, core WordPress. All that SP does is act on the event to create the sfmembers table entry and some other bits of data to set the new registrant up as a potential forum user. Everything else is untarnished WP. Unless you have any other plugins active that may do something fired by the same event.
Bill Murray
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 19, 2011 - 9:20 pm

1. Not sure of steps to recreate.  All I can say is that I PM'd Steve login credentials.  On the Users->Member Information, I just checked now, the first user (ID # 50) has no display name.

2. It might require a bit of code changing, but I think a better check would be to see if the last visit is blank rather than filling it with inaccurate info.

3. I do see -1's displayed.  See this link.

4. As more of an update on this, I registered and logged in yesterday as "billm", viewed the forum yesterday, and still don't appear in the member list.  One note: I am also using Cloudflare, which is an additional cache.  I could try clearing the Cloudflare cache to see if that has an impact.

5. Nothing else comes to mind.  It was a random question.  If I track it down and it relates to SPF, I'll let you know.

Bill Murray
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 19, 2011 - 9:29 pm

I'm not sure if this relates, but I see this in my site error_log:

WordPress database error Unknown column 'topic_status_set' in 'field list' for query SELECT wp_sfwaiting.forum_id, forum_slug, forum_name, topic_status_set, topic_id, wp_sfwaiting.post_count, wp_sfwaiting.post_id
             FROM wp_sfwaiting
             LEFT JOIN wp_sfforums ON wp_sfwaiting.forum_id = wp_sfforums.forum_id
             ORDER BY forum_id made by require, require_once, include, genesis, do_action, call_user_func_array, genesis_do_loop, genesis_standard_loop, do_action, call_user_func_array, genesis_do_post_content, the_content, apply_filters, call_user_func_array, sp_render_forum, sp_process_template, do_action, call_user_func_array, sp_admin_bar_get_waiting, sp_AdminBarGetWaiting, sp_GetAdminsQueuedPosts, spdb_select, W3_Db->query

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 20, 2011 - 12:00 am

your last the error, are you sure you are up to date??  the admin bar plugin had this fixed this past weekend...

not sure what cloudflare is but in our experience, none of the caching stuff (except some opcode caches) works well with simple press... they are confused by all the forum content being displayed on a single wp page...

your link generates an error page...  would be interested in where you see -1 for post count...  none should be displayed and its held true with 4.4.5 but perhaps we have regressed somewhere on 5.0 but havent seen it here yet and we get multiple registrations per day... so if you cant get the link working, an image would help...

Bill Murray
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 20, 2011 - 10:02 am

On updating, no, not up to date.  Will update later tonight or tomorrow.

You can check out Cloudflare when your head is not buried in forum stuff.  Provides performance boost and security enhancement.  Site was down for a short period due to a gateway issue out of my hands, but is back now.  I am running W3 Total Cache, and other than what I've reported, SPF works with it.  It really has to because W3 Total Cache is that important to performance.

On the -1, the link in the previous post should work.  If it does not, delete your domain cookies and try again.  I PM'd you login credentials for that site, so you can see the backend too.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 20, 2011 - 8:53 pm

with that link, there are no users with -1 posts...   but if you mean in the actual list of members, as a guest, I do not have permission to see member lists...  so is that where you mean?  in the list of members on the members list page?

Bill Murray
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 20, 2011 - 10:33 pm

Logged in, I see many -1 post counts.  Did you log in with those credentials I pm'd you with? 

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 20, 2011 - 11:40 pm

no chance tonight to log in...  just visited the link...

but if you would just answer my question, I wouldnt have to log in wink perhaps...

are you seeing it in the list of members on the members page?  as I said, its possible we have regressed from 4.4.5 to 5.0... and we did rework the members list...

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 20, 2011 - 11:41 pm

okay, found one here displaying... so yeah, a regression from 4.4.5... will get a ticket open...


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