Support Forum
Sorry if I am putting this in the wrong area...
What I am trying to do is creatve a view/page for users to see a list of the new/recently updated topics, say 25-50 of them, but on its own page, not at the bottom of the forum. I want them to be able to click a button or link and see all new posts. I think I can do this with template tags but I lost my formatting so its just a text list, I want it to look like the search results page so it keeps my formatting.
Can you point me in the right direction?
there is a couple ways you can do this...
the list at the bottom, is in the group view template file... you can just remove it if you want... or duplicate it in any of the sp template files...
in the header, you will notice on the right hand side, you will see some text with number of unread posts and two buttons.. one clears the unread list... the other will, by default, open the unread list in a popup window... that template tag is located in the sp head template file... if you want that to open in a separate page, just add the query arg popup=0 to the current query args... now it will open in a new page... users can use that button to go there.. or you can out the link wherever you want...
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Thank for the quick reply!
I removed the list from the group view template, so that worked. But I'm not very good with code so I'm not 100% sure where to add the popup=0
Do you mind showing me? I believe I found the correct code in the spHead.
sp_UnreadPostsInfo('tagClass=spRight spUnreadPostsInfo&spanClass=spLeft&iconClass=spLeft spIcon', __sp('%COUNT% topics with<br />unread posts'), __sp('Most recent topics with unread posts'), __sp('Mark all topics as read'));
sp_SectionEnd('', 'pageTopStatus');
Thanks again!
Add the popup=0 like this:
sp_UnreadPostsInfo('tagClass=spRight spUnreadPostsInfo&spanClass=spLeft&iconClass=spLeft spIcon&popup=0', __sp('%COUNT% topics with<br />unread posts'), __sp('Most recent topics with unread posts'), __sp('Mark all topics as read'));
This will use that template you just found instead of the popup.
change it to
sp_UnreadPostsInfo('tagClass=spRight spUnreadPostsInfo&spanClass=spLeft&iconClass=spLeft spIcon&popup=0', __sp('%COUNT% topics withunread posts'), __sp('Most recent topics with unread posts'), __sp('Mark all topics as read'));
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