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on your site?? what has changed on your site? wp update? themes or plugins? server sw? option changes? stuff doesnt just stop working...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I found the fault with the software. It was the inept end user.
After checking to see if I had made any WP updates or updated any themes I deactivated all of my plugins and made a test post. Still nothing so I sat at my desk sulking for a while before, quite by chance, looking in my spam folder. All of the notifications were there. Gmail has suddenly decided that the notifications are spam. Now I know that SimplePress is working fine I just need to get to the bottom of the issue with Gmail.
Similar thing happened to me. I stopped getting email notification of new posts and PMs. Had recently changed host server as well email host ( Thought it was a problem that the server transfer caused, though after reading this, sure enough there they all were in my new email hosts spam folder.
Thanks for the tip.