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For some reason, for either Simple:Press or for the SP plugins, I am not able to update through the WordPress updates page (I don't even get notification that the updates are available).
In the Simple:Press plugins menu, and in the main plugin menu for WordPress, I do get the update notifications, but when I click to go to the WordPress updates page, no available updates are listed.
I've just been updating manually (going to the SP site and downloading, then uploading via FTP), as I used to do before Simple:Press v. 5, but it would be a lot more convenient to have the WordPress updates page manage the updates. Any thoughts?
I'm using WordPress 3.3.1 (with multisite) and Simple:Press Version: 5.0.5 Build: 8289.
its possible for themes or plugins to turn that off... is it possible one of those is doing it?
can you update wp or other plugins there?
might also be worth checking to make sure your set up is correct...
anything in the server error log?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
WordPress and all other plugin updates show up fine and update there with no problem. It's just Simple:Press. Nothing relevant I can see in the server error logs. As I said, it's more of a nuisance than a major issue, but it's got me thinking what could be wrong. I'll keep looking.
most odd... hate it when I say this, but we have no other reports of this, so most odd...
so wp 3.3.1? standard wp (not multisite)?
can you look in your db, at the wp options table... and see if you have entries for _transient_site_update_plugins, _transient_site_sp_update_plugins and _transient_site_sp_update_themes...
first would be for core upgrades... other two are obvious...
best time to look is when you have an update available... so edit a plugin for sp, and just edit it and lower the version and see what happens...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Don't feel bad!
We have an installation that is unique in some ways.
It is multi-site, not standard. And it's an extremely large multi-site install (2,411 sites and 2,570 users, as of this morning).
(in fact I have a separate question connected to multi-site and upgrades, but I'll make a new topic for that).
Maybe this is a multi-site issue at its heart.
I'm looking at wp_1309_options (for a site in the network which has SP activated, site 1309, and three SP plugins needing upgrades), there are no entries for _transient_site_update_plugins, _transient_site_sp_update_plugins or _transient_site_sp_update_themes. None of those options even exist in the table.
A clue?
It looks like in multisite, these options are held in wp_sitemeta, not in wp_XXX_options for the individual site (where XXX is the id number of the individual site).
In wp_sitemeta, I see the options for WP generally, but not for sp.
Thanks, Fido, but in this case that's not it. I can click the WP updates link again and again, and I keep everything updated within a day or two of an update being released, so there is never any kind of long list. There are no updates showing at all in WP updates, even though SP definitely needs updates.
Yes, that's right. Plugin updates don't show up on individual sites at all in multi-site, only in the Network Admin page. That's where I'm looking, and they don't appear there.
I think (and I'm no expert) that what is happening is the SP updates are trying to flag in wp_options...but there is no such thing for multi-site. For multi-site they would have to be in wp_site_meta. Does that make sense?
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