Support Forum
oh how weird! Well it's weekend, you do it when you can, in the meantime I will use the message board at the top to display a warning to all users 😉 If you need anymore debuggin on my side just leave a message, I am always managing my page of facebook which is quite large, so often at the computer. Tag me (I love this tagging business 😀 ). Ciao!
My forum (in Italian) is: MsPforum
wp makes checks to ensure that tables can or should be updated... I dont remember all the details, but in cases where non utf might be in play, they cannot update the db without destroying data... and of course, if this is the case, you wont be able to use emojis in wp...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
again, that was only one of the conditioins wp checked... dont recall the others... and they did multiple versions in a row because of difficulties in getting it all to run...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
what version of mysql is this? must be 5.5.3 or higher for mysql to support it...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
which means wp wont run emoji stuff on earlier versions... is that something we need to account for?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I lost you both also because I only created a blog under the Altervista platform in Italy whom manages a very big platform for websites and blogs (ran by Banzai). So I did not set the database myself or WP, they came already installed. I made a screenshot which may show the versioning you are talking about.
What do I do next?
My forum (in Italian) is: MsPforum
your host sets your mysql version... this one is old, but supported by wp... just not the new multibyte utf charset...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
ok, so what is the solution? Do I have to ask the support of my provider if they can update the mysql version?
My forum (in Italian) is: MsPforum