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I'm talking about Simple:Press theme pages (reboot child theme) and the title shown in the browser tab
I'm also using the Yoast SEO plugin
Have you checked/changed/upgraded your WordPress theme? This can often be the cause of unexpected instances like this.
SP can attempt to set the page and browser heading but it is often the case that the WP theme determinedly does its own thing and overrides the title. You could test this by swapping your WP theme temporarily for one of the WP default themes to see if it corrects the issue.
SP itself does not make any attempt to output the URL so it has to be a knock on effect of another component.
No, but I upgraded the Wordpress itself and a few other plugins (Yoast being one of them)
I've switched for a moment to the Default Wordpress theme and showed the title
Algo, it looks like it sets the right title and then changes it to the url, you can see it in
It's actually a known conflicr between Bootstrap and WP... Well, the jQuery UI library that WP uses... Themes that load Bootstrap need to.make sure they are loaded in the proper order or conflicts arise Since WP does not itself use Bootstrap on the front end but allows it, conflict only arise when it's used by plugins..
If you search this forum you will find multiple topics walking through how to adjust the wp theme... We cannot do it at plugin level...
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