Support Forum

My forum is setup to include the topic name in page/browser title, I had to use WP "All In One SEO Pack" plug-in for this to work properly.
It was fine with plugin up to version 2.0, but after upgrading the plugin (I believe to 2.01) I lost my forum topic name in the page title. Current version 2.02 doesn't work even. I restored v2.0 and it's working again.
Any idea how to fix that ?
Thank you.
I am using latest all in one seo with no issues.... so lets review some settings...
what do yo have for forum - components - seo? screenshot of the upper left section might be useful...
on forum - options - display settings, what are you options for the page title?
and on the actual wp page, are using any settings for all in one? should not be...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
so what is wrong? the page title (as output by wp)? the browser title? the head meta title tag? or all?
not sure why aioseo would have any impact... I do only have the pro version, but will have to play around and see if I can duplicate...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Sorry if I wasn't specific enough about my problem. I just had a closer look with both versions of the plugin and it shows the meta description are correct on both "All In One SEO Pack" versions (both 2.0 and latest 2.02)
For instance this forum url:
has the following on both versions:
<meta name="description" content="Cube U35GT Android 4.1.1 custom root firmware version 1.04 (2013/05/29)" />
<meta name="keywords" content="archos, arnova, g2, g3, support, forum, android, firmware, rockchip, 3188, 2918, 3066, g10xs, elements, cobalt, gen8, internet, tablet, allwinner, boxchip, omap, a31, onda" />
so Meta are just fine.
But title tag has a problem on version 2.02:
<title>Arnova and Archos support Forum | ARCTABLET NEWS</title>
Whereas it's showing as I expected on version 2.0:
<title>Cube U35GT Android 4.1.1 custom root firmware version 1.04 (2013/05/29) - Cube U35GT | ARCTABLET NEWS</title>
Thank for your help.
so since they added some new options, what do you have for the aioseo settings page (their plugin) for title settings - rewrite titles? you probably want it disabled...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I have updated All In One SEO Pack to version 2.02 again.
Title rewrite is enabled, here are the settings:
With this configuration, I am getting the follow title for the forum link below:
<title>Arnova and Archos support Forum | ARCTABLET NEWS</title>
With the same settings on older All In One SEO Pack to version 2.0, I get the correct title:
<title>Cube U35GT Android 4.1.1 custom root firmware version 1.04 (2013/05/29) - Cube U35GT | ARCTABLET NEWS</title>
On version 2.02, if I disable Title rewrite, for the same forum url I am getting:
<title>Arnova and Archos support Forum</title>
I hope this helps finding the problem.
Thank you.
the biggest problem is I cannot duplicate it... I was able to for some cases (themes, etc) with the title rewrite enabled... but in all those cases, disabling it made it work...
thats a small portion of the options... do you have canonical url enabled in aioseo?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
and what do you have set for the aioseo 'use original title' option?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Same problem here using the latest AIOSEO plugin, should I open my own thread Mr Papa?
Descriptions and keywords work fine, it's just the titles will not get re-written, same problem as sptab.
- Canonical URLs: unchecked
- Use original title: Disabled
- SEO for Custom Post Types: tried it Enabled or Disabled, doesn't matter
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