Support Forum
When we first launched it we did not change the default permalink settings in WordPress, big mistake on our part. We relaunched the site with a new URL and changed the permalinks to %postname%. Only issues now is simple-press still has the current permalink set to /?page_id-88.
I clicked update forum permalink already. I deleted .htaccess file. Any other suggestions?
Well this should work just fine:
- Wordpress admin > Settings > Permalinks - click 'save changes' whether you change them or not. This will flush the WP rewrite rules.
- Forum admin > Integration > Page and Permalink - ensure the correvt oage is selected at top. If not select and update panel.
- CLick update forum permalinks.
- Empty browser cache and try things with fresh page loads.
If that does not work then are you using any sort of caching plugin?
If - as originally surmised - the permalinks were not 'taking' then when clicking on a link to a forum or topic, you would get a 404 page - i.e., not found.
When instead, it just winds back to the front, main page, then that means the URL is being tampered with by something. The two options mentioned can both do this (and both be set to stop it happening).
So - any other plugins you have that may be having some sort of effect on the urls? Aby htaccess rules other than the standard WP rules?