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Plug-ins were not updated and forum crashed - had to pay membership again to get updated plug-ins
Ingo Raven
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 3, 2015 - 10:43 am

I updated (from the plugin page in my wordpress backend, latest WP version) to the last simple:press version two days ago and my forum broke (when viewing any topic: "Invalid Database Query” errors followed by: “Access denied – you do not have permission to view this page” error, basically the same problem I found described here:

I admit I have not updated for a long time, mainly because I was afraid to breake it and having to pay for support again :(

As I understand it, normally the plug-ins are automatically updated, right?? In my case they were not (TinyMCE still at v.1.05, File Uploader at v.1.08, Gravatar Cache at v1.04, template tags and widgets at v.1.011) and File Uploader caused the big problem described above & template tags caused another problem)

My questions:

- why were the plugins not updated, did I do something wrong?

- how to prevent this with future updates?

I fixed it for now by paying membership again and downloading the newest plugins. I am a bit annoyed that I had to pay not because I needed help or wanted new features but because something broke in an update...

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 3, 2015 - 11:05 am

I understand the frustration... The updates are not 'automatic' and never have been. But they should show themselves in the standard WordPress updates listing from within the WP Dashboard admin menu. This is a WordPress created and derived list - not a Simple:Press list. If things are not showing up then it should be considered a WP problem.

Now - as we keep an eye on all the changes that the WP team make at all times, I do know that there has been some discussion of the update process in recent weeks which has included the fact that it has not been working for all users as expected... although I am unsure why and unsure if the WP team know why. But there are plans afoot, I believe, to make changes to it although I would have to confirm that.

So - what about the core, main Simple:Press plugin? Did that show up when an update was ready? If so that is even more curious because notification of that comes form the same source as notification of SP plugin and theme updates.

Ingo Raven
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 3, 2015 - 11:23 am

The simple:press was/is in the list of all my plugins (I updated it from there). However, my simple:press plugins were not, and even now - after updating SP and SP-plugins - they still are not in that list. I can only see them within the simple:press backend, under forum ->plugins.

Maybe this is the reason. I also noticed that the SP plugins are not in my WP plugin folder (/wp-content/plugins/ ) but in /wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/ !!

I guess this is why WP does not find them. But why are they there (in case this is not where they are supposed to be), I did not intentionally do something different than installing everything automatically?

Sawtry, UK
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 3, 2015 - 12:13 pm

Simple Press is a plugin for WordPress so you will find that in the WordPress plugin folder / in the WordPress plugin list on the dashboard.

But forum plugins are for Simple Press so you will find those in the Simple Press plugin folder (sp-resources > forum-plugins) and in turn they are then listed under Forum > Plugins on the dashboard.

So in short, it doesn't look like you've done anything wrong, and everything looks like it's in the right place!

Ingo Raven
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 3, 2015 - 12:44 pm

OK, so all plugins were/are installed at the right location.

Still,the SP plugins were not updated with the update of the main SP plugin, and neither could I update the SP plugins manually

(as they are not in the WP plugins list, they are only listed under forum -> plugins. I could see there that new versions of the plugins were available, but I could not update them from there as there is no update button/function on that panel !!  )

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 3, 2015 - 12:48 pm

But you have not told me - as I asked above - if they showed up in the WP Updates listing under the admin Dashboard menu. This is where all updates to core WordPress, plugins and themes should really be performed and they should show up successfully in this listing complete with the option to update them.

Ingo Raven
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 3, 2015 - 1:05 pm

I did not update the main SP plugin from WP -> Dashboard -> Updates but from

WP -> Plugins

I did not check before updating if it was also available on WP -> Dashboard -> Updates (as I always update all my WP plugins from WP -> Plugins)

After I updated the main SP and realized that the SP plugins were not updated, I also looked for them on the WP -> Dashboard -> Updates panel but they were not available there.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 3, 2015 - 2:58 pm

If they were not listed as available then I suspect the WordPress bug mentioned previously. I believe we had one other case like this a while back but generally and as far as we are aware, plugins do get listed for update on that section. We are hoping that whatever they do is going to make this stronger as well of course.

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