Support Forum

I have this plugin on my website that is used to display featured ads. The theme is classipress. Simple:press seems for the most part to run fine on it. However, although the plugin works on every other area of my site it does not work on the forums side (simplepress).
Is it just a case of adding some code to get it to show up or would other things need to be done..?
Thanks in advance.
not really sure how that plugin works, so hard to say...
try going to forum - integration - page and permalink and enabling the WP strict API option...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Mr Papa said
not really sure how that plugin works, so hard to say...try going to forum - integration - page and permalink and enabling the WP strict API option...
Did not seem to work.
I have no idea if this would help but here are the install instructions on the classipress side...
1. Upload the "xtremecarousel" to your plugins folder
2. Activate the "xtremecarousel" plugin
3a. Look at your themes/classipress/index.php file, lines 9 to 14:
if ( file_exists(STYLESHEETPATH . '/featured.php') )
include_once(STYLESHEETPATH . '/featured.php');
include_once(TEMPLATEPATH . '/featured.php');
3b. And change it for:
<?php if (function_exists('xtremecarousel')) xtremecarousel(); ?>
<?php // Comment the default CP Slider
// if ( file_exists(STYLESHEETPATH . '/featured.php') )
// include_once(STYLESHEETPATH . '/featured.php');
// else
// include_once(TEMPLATEPATH . '/featured.php');
If you also like to show the slider on your category pages now we've already built this feature into the last 1.1 update. This means you'll have your featured ads on category pages filtered per the category being showed.
4. To achieve this you just need to look for your themes/classipress/taxonomy-ad_cat.php file and add:
<?php if (function_exists('xtremecarousel')) xtremecarousel(); ?>
… after line 14. So the code must look like:
<div id="breadcrumb">
<?php if ( function_exists('cp_breadcrumb') ) cp_breadcrumb(); ?>
<?php if (function_exists('xtremecarousel')) xtremecarousel(); ?>
<!-- left block -->
<div class="content_left">
are you running the forum on the default page template or did you create a custom one? if so you might need to add it to the custom page template... those directions seem to show how to put it on main page and a featured page...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Ermm not sure i understand to be honest. I am running the latest version of classipress. The simple press theme is one of the ones that come loaded with the plugin. When people connect to my site it should by default put you on the classipress home page but in the wordpress settings under reading i have it set to direct you to the forums so in effect the forums are the home page.

Steve was referring to the WP page template being used to display the forum. You can find what template this is by editing the forum page (WP Admion > Pages) and looking at the template being used. That leaves the question of whether this 'featured ads' code also needs adding to that template...
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