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spTopicView Object ( [topicViewStatus] => data [parentForum] => 10 [inPostLoop] => [pageData] => Array ( [317] => stdClass Object ( [topic_id] => 317 [forum_id] => 10 [topic_name] => DRAFT DAY - POLL [topic_slug] => draft-day-poll [topic_opened] => 118 [forum_status] => 0 [topic_pinned] => 1 [forum_disabled] => 0 [forum_slug] => gridirongamers-ps4-league-1 [forum_rss_private] => 0 [topic_permalink] => [topic_status] => 0 [topic_icon] => 21-icone-5401-32.png [post_count] => 8 [rss] => [editmode] => 0 [tools_flag] => [display_page] => 1 [posts_per_page] => 20 [unread] => 0 [topic_starter] => 1 [total_pages] => 1 [last_page] => 1 [polls] => 1 [post_ratings] => 1 [topic_subs] => [topic_desc] => 4 options, week end 29-30 march, express your preference [topic_watches] => [posts] => Array ( [2231] => stdClass Object ( [post_id] => 2231 [post_date] => 2014-03-14 17:49:41 [user_id] => 1 [guest_name] => [guest_email] => [post_status] => 0 [post_pinned] => 0 [post_index] => 1 [poster_ip] => [source] => 0 [post_permalink] => [edits] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394815838 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394816367 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394816401 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394816507 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394816928 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394817004 ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394817047 ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394817119 ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394824194 ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394824674 ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394827165 ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394831899 ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394834903 ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394834931 ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394839809 ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [by] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [at] => 1394839810 ) )
Free Members
[postUser] => spUser Object ( [list] => Array ( [user_login] => name [user_email] => email [user_url] => url [user_registered] => [description] => text [location] => title [first_name] => name [last_name] => name [aim] => title [yim] => title [jabber] => title [msn] => title [icq] => title [skype] => title [facebook] => title [myspace] => title [twitter] => title [linkedin] => title [youtube] => title [googleplus] => title [display_name] => name [signature] => signature [sp_change_pw] => [photos] => [sp_birthday] => [psn] => title [phonenumber] => title [alt_user_email] => email ) [ID] => 1 [member] => 1 [guest] => 0 [guest_name] => [guest_email] => [offmember] => [usertype] => Admin [user_login] => Mani [user_email] => [user_url] => [user_registered] => 2013-07-19 09:12:21 [display_name] => Mani(PACKERS-PS4) [first_name] => Mani [last_name] => (PACKERS) [description] => [aim] => [yim] => [jabber] => [location] => Roma [sp_birthday] => 1976-07-28 [msn] => [icq] => [skype] => manidifata [facebook] => alessandro taballione [myspace] => [twitter] => mani_di_fata [linkedin] => [youtube] => [googleplus] => [psn] => manidifata [phonenumber] => +39 3334487392 ( only sms) [user_id] => 1 [moderator] => 1 [avatar] => Array ( [uploaded] => ) [signature] =>
Work Hard. Play Hard. Win Easy.
[posts] => 331 [lastvisit] => 2014-03-19 02:02:39 [newposts] => Array ( [topics] => Array ( [0] => 185 [1] => 295 [2] => 201 ) [forums] => Array ( [0] => 11 [1] => 12 [2] => 12 ) ) [checktime] => 2014-03-18 17:18:04 [admin] => 1 [feedkey] => fc930277-df03-452a-97fb-70f9166ee1d2 [sfnotify] => [sfstatusmsgtext] => [notify-edited] => 1 [sfadminbar] => 1 [hidestatus] => 0 [timezone] => 5 [timezone_string] => Europe/Vatican [editor] => 1 [namesync] => 1 [unreadposts] => 50 [topicASC] => [postDESC] => [pmdisplaysize] => [pmsortorder] => [pmopenall] => [auths] => Array (
then all the array that think you don't need about the problem i have
sorry, not following that comment... and seems to be some sort of formatting issue with how you pasted the data... and would be nice if you used the code button to paste the code so formatting was retained..
but it seems $spIsForum is not defined, which clearly should be for this... but then again, I dont really see a section for that varisable display would be first...
was there an empty blue section first? before the $spTopicView section you show first?
sorry for any delays... inundated with family in town through Sunday...
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