Support Forum
I have upgraded from 4.5 to 5.0 (version 7960) and my WP version is 3.3.1
I see on this forum at the profile information loads correctly
However on my site ( for a logged in user the profile/options are empty and open up in a new window which have no styling.
Any ideas on how to solve this?
(yes the theme is edited, but I have not touched the profile pages and it was the same before I made any edits (honest!))
are you logged in?? looks to me like there is a membership plugin intercepting that link...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said
are you logged in?? looks to me like there is a membership plugin intercepting that link...
Yes, you need to be logged in.
I'll go for a fresh installation as the "add topic" and "add reply" are now failing to work as well since the upgrade (back on a standard theme)
Changing line 1572 of "sp-profile-view-functions.php" in "/wp-content/plugins/simple-press/forum/content" to:
jQuery("#spProfileContent").html('<div><img src="<?php echo SFCOMMONIMAGES; ?>working.gif" alt="Loading" /></div>');
Solved that issue in the error console, however that has not solved it and still the profile page of a logged in member the sub tabs for profile options etc... are not showing, nor are the add reply or add topic buttons.
I've disabled the caching on the site to see it was the minfy or other cache settings that were causing it through W3 Total Cache and thats not made any difference.
I'm now complete stuck.
Any ideas?
good to hear. glad its resolved...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World