Support Forum

Since a lot of week i have a presentation problem on my forum, no draw around themes and subjet, no color
Changing thème and color, change nothink
Do you have any idea ?
you can see more at this adress
Thank's for your help
sorry, but have you resolved? seeing nothing like your screen shot when I visit your site... looks fine...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
first step then would be to try going to forum - options - global settings and disable the combined css cache... if that doesnt help, it means your server is configured to not allow php parsing of your css files...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

The tow options are disabled, because when they are anable it's more ugly (text not in the god place, no color no picture, superposition of text....)
It's stange, because when you go to the site whit an ipad or a phone, the other thene work's fine
The mobile version option is enabled
sorry, not following... the forum looks fine to me visiting as guest... nothing like your image
and as I said, if your server is configured to not allow php parsing of css files, you will only be able to use a css based theme... can you talk with your host?
I can probably create you a css only equivalent of one of the other themes if you tell me which one and which overlay...
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