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afraid not... the current print post capability prints the stuff on left and right... you could highlight the text and print the selected area, but understand thats a bit more work...
if you really want to change it, I could give you a code change for this, but afraid currently it would be a core code change...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
edit simple-press/forum/content/sp-topic-view-functions.php... find routine sp_PostIndexPrint()... and then this line of code:
$out.= "onclick='jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(\"#post".$spThisPost->post_id."\").jqprint({debug:true}); return false; });'>";
and change it to
$out.= "onclick='jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(\"#spPostIndexContent".$spThisPost->post_id."\").jqprint({debug:true}); return false; });'>";
which should do it... but I have not actually tested it...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Now that you mention it, fairly straight forward to do with css (or a print css file) now that you mention it... nice thought!
we are actually discussing whether we want to change the core functionality to only print the content too...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World