Support Forum

what problem are you having? are you getting error message?
what are your settings on forum - profiles - avatars? is the file size, not dimensions, within setting?
or on forum - integration - storage locations, everything okay with avatar storage?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

yes, it shows avatar storage and other functions are ok... what it says is that the file size is too large. I got a few in but one new member can't get the file to upload so I'm trying to do it for her. Lots of others have not put up avatars yet and I suspect it's b/c they can't. Here is the file I'm trying to upload. I've tried it at 42, 45 and 50 pixels.
file size is not the dimensions (width and height in pixels) but the size of the file, ie the number of bytes...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

yes, I looked at both. Here is what the instructions say in the avatar upload area:
Files accepted: GIF, PNG, JPG and JPEG
Maximum width displayed: 50 pixels
Maximum filesize: 10240 bytes
I did some research and they left off an 0 -- I believe it should say 102,400 bytes. Pam's avatar is 56,717 bytes.
who left off a zero??? the initial setting (done by us at install) is 10k bytes... your 56,717 is greater than that... you can add the zero yourself if you want it...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
sorry, I am confused too... earlier you said the avatar was 56,717 bytes... big diff between that and ~7k...
not a photoshop expert, but that does not look like the byte size of the file... perhaps upload the image here and lets see what the file size is?
alternatively, you could provide us a temp account with sp admin capabilities so we can try uploading AND see what the options are set to, we could investigate further... if that works, please pm the account details to yellow swordfish and mr papa... be sure to link back to this account...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
last I saw, it was not properly set up... has that been corrected?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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