Support Forum
Hi, I can't upgrade my 5.2.6 version to the newest version. When de actualization is done, and I click on the Perform Upgrade button (Upgrade Simple:Press From Version 5.2.6 to 5.4.1 (Build 9877 to Build 11023))
then this error message appears:
Upgrade Aborted
current build: 9877
{"status":"success","type":"upgrade","section":9884,"response":"Build upgrade section 9884 executing. Status: success
Any idea?
I can't to actualize themes either with the wordpress backend
Oh dear - always hard to pin down this one. And the problem, of course, is that while trying to track it down your forum is, in effect, off-line.
So - main reasons for this are: (1) Something you have installed hijacking the http request and returning data with the upgrade data. We have seen this before with some authentication tools for example. (2) A simple and straightforward JavaScript error causing a conflict. (3) Every now and then we have had reported that simply using a different browser did the trick but there is no proof for this.
Now - this is the difficulty. Both 1 and 2 can usually be deduced by using the browser console tool but for that to happen you need to be actually running the upgrade script. Well - and know how to use the console tool but that can be explained.
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Well, I'm not sure to understand (my english is poor, sorry) Now the forum is online. I tried to upgrade with Safari and with Chrome in a Mac. I deleted the .httacess file, but it didn't work. May be deactivating all wordpress plugins?
There are new problems now, with the recent installed plugins: tinymce doesn't work, private messages either, and there is a strange message when I make a new forum: <!-- WP Super Cache is installed but broken. The constant WPCACHEHOME must be set in the file wp-config.php and point at the WP Super Cache plugin directory. --> But many time ago I deleted that plugin.
The basic forum is running, goodness
if super cache is running at all, you cannot cache the wp page the forum is on - it will break all sorts of things since the page is dynamic in nature...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
If you choose to remove the cache plugin then it does need to be done properly. They do publish detailed information on how to remove. There may still be some additions to your .htaccess file that need removing.
However - there is generally no need to actually stop using a cache plugin. All you need to do is exclude the forum page from the cache routines - it has an exclusion section where you can specify this.
I am surprised, however, that the cache plugin has this sort of effect on the administration side of things bit I am glad that aspect is resolved without too much pain!
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I removed it because I had many problems with that plugin and permalinks. I thought all plugin can be removed in the same way, deactivating before, deleting after, in wordpress panel.
Now I'm using the Cloudflare service, and I'm happy with it.
The plugins are working OK too.
Thanks Mr, Swordfish
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