Support Forum
Hi. Someone on my forum complained about a problem with multiple quotes that happened with the latest update. I've checked and it does the same on this forum, so it's either a bug or a new feature (I hope it's not the latter).
If I hit the quote button it appears fine in an Add Reply window, but if I scroll up to add a second quote it overwrites everything - the original quote, plus anything I'd added. Could you please bring back multiple quotes in a single message?
gorky5 said
Hi. Someone on my forum complained about a problem with multiple quotes that happened with the latest update. I've checked and it does the same on this forum, so it's either a bug or a new feature (I hope it's not the latter).If I hit the quote button it appears fine in an Add Reply window, but if I scroll up to add a second quote it overwrites everything - the original quote, plus anything I'd added. Could you please bring back multiple quotes in a single message?
I am going to need more info as to what you mean... maybe image? but as you can clearly see, multiple qutoes works fine...
and second quote
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I can't really give a screengrab, as the very point is pressing the Quote button a second time when composing a message deletes everything up to that point.
When you wrote "and second quote" in your reply, did you use the Quote button (the one between PM and Report) on a previous message, or the TinyMCE one? Because the latter works, the former doesn't. Does that make more sense? Try it again by pressing the Quote button, adding some text, then quoting a second time.
oh two quote button hits... missed that - sorry...
but that has always (or at least was intended) to replace the content with the post you were quoting... lol, to be honest, not sure how it would have added to the content... its not something we would have been intentionally supporting - and in my testing dont remember it acting that way...
that said, its something we can probably look into... I don't think we changed anything in that area, but perhaps its because of the new tinymce wp editor in 3.9...
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It definitely used to allow quotes from various people within the same message, and worked perfectly up until the last update. It was particularly useful if you needed to pick apart a long argument bit by bit.
Even if it wasn't intentional it was very useful, and several people on my forum have now commented that they'd like it back.
Well as I said, we will have to look into and see how to support it...
Andy did some research and it seems it worked several versions ago, but not at least in 5.4.1... so seems it went away a couple versions ago, not this one... but ticket is open to investigate and see how to bring it back...
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