Support Forum
I have a problem with the \"2 Click Social Media Buttons\" Plugin. This plugin inserts some social media like buttons at the page bottom. But on the page where the forum is included, this like buttons are visible above the forum.
Old Forum version:
[Image Can Not Be Found]
New Forum version:
[Image Can Not Be Found]
so you have not said what the problem is???
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I can no tell for sure without downloading and installing the plugin and playing with it but I can tell you the most likely reason - and I stress this may not be it.
WordPress allows plugins to work by the use of 'hooks' known as action and filters. One of the most common is called 'the_content' which allows a plugin to add/remove or change the actual content of a post or page. SP uses this to display your forum.
It is possible that your Social Media plugin is also using 'the_content' to add it's display components.
The problem with using these hooks - if that is what is happening - is that, if not defined in the code when called, the order they are used can be random. So it might be - and again I stress the 'might' - that your plugin is simply getting the first bite followed by the forum.
If you know your way around the plugin code you could look for an add_filter('the_content' 'xx') in the code and give it a higher priority which, in theory, should force it to be actioned later in the processing.
So - might that be the answer?
This was a good hint but not the answer. The 2 Click Social Media Buttons has a priority of 8.
SP 4.5.1 and SP 5.0.1 has a priority of 1, correct?
I found out a strange thing. The update information is displayed in the correct order:
After the DB update, the order is wrong:
page title at bottom? not sure what you mean...
any wp page content on the forum page is shown above the forum... so guess it depends on how the plugin is hooking into the content... I dont know that its possible to get it to come out after...
if folks want content after, guess we would need to add an option to display it before or after...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World