Support Forum
This is somewhat related to this topic.
If a new user registers, follows the login link in the email, resets the password and then users the back link to go back to the site or goes directly to the forum to login instead of using the login link on the reset password page, they are taken to their profile within the forum and there is the following message.
Profile form could not be found: [Account Settings]
You might try the forum - toolbox - housekeeping admin form and reset the profile tabs and menus and see if that helps
If the user logouts and logs back in that message is gone and they are at the forums. If they use the login link on the reset password page and end up on their profile page in the WP Admin, then the login works fine.
Do you know why this is happening? Since the redirects aren't working with the reset password page we are trying to find different ways to direct new users to the forums but have now run into this issue.
This can happen if the site is moved to a different server or a different domain. The only thing that may be effected by resetting profile tabs and menus is if you have already marked some not to be shown or perhaps changed the title and to be honest I am not actually sure of that is even true without trying it (which I might now!).
So no. We would seriously not suggest it if it were in any way damaging.
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