Support Forum

first, a user does NOT log into the forums... they log into WordPress... the forum does NOT have a separate log in from the WordPress site... users, registrations and logins are all the domain of WP...
that said, do you have any other login or membership plugins that might be working outside of WP?
or any caching plugins? you cannot cache the wp page the forum is on...
a link to your site might help too...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Ah, I see. Well, I thought it might be plugins, but when checking said plugins I'm not seeing any settings that would dictate this. In any case, as I now know that this is a WP issue, I'll have to contact the developer who chose and installed the plugins to see if she can offer any insight. My info just in case:
My site:
Plugins that might be causing this: UserMeta Pro, Sideways8 Custom Login
Thanks as always!
does look like there is a unique login running but hard to tell... let us know what you find, please...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

I talked to my developer about the issue and she has no idea what's going on - she advised me to ask here. Seems I am going in a circle! After doing more digging, I found this thread, which I think is relevant to the issue:
I also have nothing set for redirection anymore, yet members are still being redirected. You mention overriding this - how would I go about doing this? Which file would I need to access?
on forum - components - login and registration, you can have the user taken to a specific page after logging in, logging out or registering... but it wont require a second log in...
and you are using a non standard login... not necessarily bad, but seems you should understand it...
if you want, you can just turn off the wp inline login from the forum... in your spHead.php template file, find the template function that does it:
sp_LogInOutButton('tagClass=spButton spRight', __sp('Log In'), __sp('Log Out'), __sp('Log in and log out'));
and change it to
sp_LogInOutButton('tagClass=spButton spRight&logInLink=', __sp('Log In'), __sp('Log Out'), __sp('Log in and log out'));
then it will just use your special login instead of the wp one...
oh, and be sure you are being consistent in the use of www or not with your site... they are different cookie domains and if you log into the site with www, you wont be logged into the site without the http://www... you gave us a link with www, but most of yours seem to not have it...
and as always, be sure to have your own sp theme instead of editing one of ours to keep from losing changes on updates... see:
if you cleared the login redirects, check forum - options - global settings and make sure you are blocking admin access and redirecting there... wp allows access to the admin to all users, but you may have enabled the block admin feature with a redirect too...
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