Support Forum
Forum members register through Wishlist and the Newest Members feature at the bottom of the page shows their real name rather than their username. It's fine in their profiles and when they post. I don't members' real names to be displayed unless they have chosen to do so. How do I change the newest member listing to show usernames or solve the issue?
when they register, its the only name available... but when they complete the signup (post payment and create an account), if they change their display name, it ripples through the new members too... remember, the new members is cached...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
No, when they sign up in wishlist via paypal or other, they get a name based on their paypal account... at that time, wishlist creates a temp wp user account for them but its not really active...
then they are redirected to the wp site to register their purchase... at this time, wishlist converts the temp account to the full fledged account... but the display name remains from the original temp account... until the user goes in an modifies their display name...
any user can edit their display name in their profile... its possible you have disabled it in the sp profile which means they cant and use the original one wishlist created...
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