Support Forum

Before I add this as a feature request, I want to make sure it doesn't currently exist. We're migrating over from SMF to Simple:Press and so far, very happy with the transition. One option we have on SMF regarding deleted posts or topics is to either completely delete them, or move them to a recycle bin that only moderators have access to. We then have the option to restore them from the recycle bin to their original location if necessary. This has been useful in the past, and just curious if there is something similar in Simple:Press?

We do not support a dedicated recycle bin but what other users have done in the past is to define a very private forum for their own use and moved topics into this forum where they can sit and can always be moved back if ever needed again.
Amounts to the same thing and is simply controlled by the SP user group/permissions sub-system. Just not called a recycle bin!
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you can do this already... there is a move topic feature in the forum tools that can be used to move the topic to a another forum with whatever access you set... you can always move it back too...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

It's all well and good if *I* am the only moderator - and that is my next request - on SMF we can designate different moderators for each forum. We have about 50 different forums, and each year, between 10-25 different moderators (we're a Moms Club with anywhere from 150-200 members each year). If someone reports a post on a board, it goes to that particular moderator (or moderators), and they can decide if it needs to be deleted or not. (these moderators also monitor their assigned forums and make sure posts are getting responses). It does not go to all 25. Trying to educate new moderators each year not to delete a post but move it to a recycling bin is not an easy task. But not only that, if someone deletes their own post, it gets deleted, not recycled. I have not even been a moderator for about 3 years, only the admin who updates the forum when it needs it. I can also say there was a global configuration to say that if a post went into the recycle bin (or deleted), then you could choose whether to remove post counts from the user or not.
So wishlist - allowing moderators to be assigned to individual forums and having an option for a recycling bin would be great.
you can already different moderators to different forums... just create a new moderator user group - one for each forum if needed.. then just assign folks you want to moderate each forum to that usergroup... and assign that moderator usergroup to the forum with the desired permissions...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

OK, thank you, that's good to know. It's a bit more complicated than SMF, but at least doable. Will they appear as the forum moderator on the forum somewhere and will they get the "reported posts"? Again, I want to emphasize that I really like Simple:Press and feel it is the best forum to move to from SMF, and most of it is easier than SMF, but we've had SMF for 6 years and it will just take a little getting used to.
You can list the forum moderators for each forum... since most people use the same across the board, its off by default in our themes... in group view, if you want to list them by forum, use:
within the group loop...
in forum view, you can use:
within the forum loop...
just stick in the appropriate template file, ie spGroupView.php or spForumView.php where you want it and it will show the moderators for that forum...
currently, there is a global email list for the post reporting... but we have an open ticket to more closely tie it to forums and forum moderators...
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