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I have an additional question in above context.
Btw, as a general comment, I personally would prefer to have the "display on/off" function of existing Standard-Options like "group membership" in the admin section, instead of coding it via a child-theme, because I dont want to become a programmer again. But anyway, it is how it is, I accept your general design decision, although I dont like it.
My special problem is:
I use "Reboot" and have now configured and activated (reluctantly) a child theme per your instructions above.
It worked, as I successfully was able to remove the usergroup memberships display per your description above. Thanks.
But in addition, I want to have the normal Ranks (in terms of number of posts) *always shown* and not be overwritten by the special rank.
(I dont really understand from a design-viewpoint why you mix both, because couting numbers of posts and general ranks because of status are seperate concepts to me)
For two special ranks it works, they are displayed both one after the after, but the combination of "normal" rank and "special" rank just shows the special one.
Reason is, that I want to use the "special rank" as an additional display of some "status" of members, for example the members of the first hour as "Founders". But this display should be "in addition" to the number of posts.
I identified line 139
sp_PostIndexUserRank('tagClass=spPostUserRank spCenter&showBadge=1&hideIfSpecialRank=1');
and thought that even as a non-programmer I could assume that by removing the "&hideIfSpecialRank=1" string the user rank would be displayed always - together with the special rank.
But it didnt work. What do I need to change?
Also I would like to know, if I dont want the text of the "special rank" be displayed too, is it done by adding "&showTitle=0" in line 140?
For the first question do not remove the 'hideIfSpecialRank' argument. Instead change the 1 to a zero (i.e., false).
And for the second then yes - add exactly what you have there - '&showTitle=0'.
Prior to version 5 of Simple:Press we offered far more options than we do now for the display and, to be frank, it seemed to confuse more people than it helped; it made the display code more and more difficult to maintain; it created an even more bloated admin side than is the case now and somewhere along the line you have to decide where to stop!
Opting for a templating system has allowed for non-programmers to change and customise their display and has resulted in far greater flexibility than any other methodology.
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Well, there is always a followup problem in coding .... here it is ;):
My spTopicViewDesktop in the child theme now looks as follows in lines 136-141:
sp_UserAvatar('tagClass=spPostUserAvatar spCenter&context=user', $spThisPostUser);
sp_PostIndexUserName('tagClass=spPostUserName spCenter');
#sp_PostIndexUserLocation('tagClass=spPostUserLocation spCenter');
sp_PostIndexUserRank('tagClass=spPostUserRank spCenter&showBadge=1&showTitle=0&hideIfSpecialRank=0');
sp_PostIndexUserSpecialRank('tagClass=spPostUserSpecialRank spCenter&showTitle=0');
#sp_PostIndexUserMemberships('tagClass=spPostUserMemberships spCenter');
Everything looks good on the desktop side for normal members
But .... on the mobile side, the sequence between "normal" rank and "special rank" seems inverted.
The "special rank" icon is show first (on top) now, followed by the "normal rank" (below). As my icons differ vastly in size and orientation, things look strange that way.
I looked into spTopicViewMobile myself, but I am not sure where and how to change the display sequence.
What do I need to change, to have the standard sequence in mobile too?
Meaning "normal rank" first and than all "special ranks" one after another?
Thanks in advance
PS: Also: how can I define the sequence of the "special ranks" shown in the rank info overview of the "ranks plugin" one under the other? They are mixed without a system - at least I cant identify a system. It seems to be neither the alphabet nor the last time of edit.
An additional question ( I moved it here, as I didnt want to overload the last question)
I recognized, that above solution only works for "normal" users. For them both ranks "normal" and "special" are shown now.
But for Admins and Moderators (which are part of the admins section) still the normal rank information with the number of posts is not shown!
I am pretty sure it has to do with the special admin/mod status, but I do not understand why you conceptionally mix the display of the "number of posts rank" with the display of special ranks and with the status as mod/admin? All three seem totally different ballgames to me.
But anyway, where is this dependency/behaviour for mods/admins coded, so that I can take a look for a change? I would like to understand what is needed, to exclude some additional members from showing the "number of post rank" that are no moderators. What is the "trigger" that defines this special status?
Its me again. I try to visualize.
Please look at the two pictures appended. They are based on above code change.
PIC1 is a Moderator with two "special Ranks", the "Kolumnist" and the "Vice Admiral" Special Rank.
PIC2 ia a normal Member with a "post-counted Standard-Rank" and the "Pionier" Special Rank.
You can see my two problems:
(1) The sequence of the special ranks is "random", I do not know how to influence them. Neither here in the Display left of every post, nor in den Rank-Overview of the Ranks-Plugin. This is bad, as obviously the "Vice Admiral" (=Moderator) should be first
(2) When combining a standard rank and a special rank as in PIC2, there is an empty line in between. Thats fine. But when displaying two special ranks together as in PIC1, there is none in between. I need this to be in Sync, ideally multiple special ranks have a seperation line too.
How can I achieve this?
Again, I believe this behaviour is a result oft a mix between authorization rights as Mod/Admin and the display of the ranks. An explanation of the concept behind and how to change it, would be great. Also I dont understand, why you a handle a "normal" rank and a "special" rank differently on display. Both are ranks, one is counted and one is assigned, but still they are both ranks that can&should be able to be combined?!
What I need is to keep the authorization rights (Admin/Mod) and the display of *what* rank I display & *where* completly seperate.
I think I am suffering with a bit of overload here with all the rank questions - not my favourite subject as you might guess! (I think we offer too many options!)
So I want to break this down into smaller chunks as I try and work out what you are referring to!
So first up - the difference between desktop and mobile. Because of space limitations, the mobile template uses a different, single function with optional display characteristics. Sadly - this function has not been documented yet in our codex and we are without out codex page author at the moment so it might take a while. The single function is sp_PostIndexUserBadges().
If you want the mobile display to be exactly the same as the desktop display I would suggest you just copy the three functions from the desktop into the mobile template and remove the current, single version - then you will get the same result.
Does that make sense?
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I am pretty sure it has to do with the special admin/mod status, but I do not understand why you conceptionally mix the display of the “number of posts rank” with the display of special ranks and with the status as mod/admin? All three seem totally different ballgames to me.
I don't really quite understand what you are asking for here. Those users defined as SP Admins are not parsed through the standard ranking.
Can you explain in more detail what you are having a problem with and what it is you are asking for?
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Sorry - what is - or where is shown - this 'Vice Admiral' special rank? I don't see it?
As to order - we can almost certainly change this but I believe special ranks are displayed in the order in which they were applied to a user. But I will check on that. (The problem with changing the ordering in code is that it would effect all users including any that are happy with what they have set up!)
Also - just for the record - I don't think authorisations have anything to do with the display, sequence etc. I believe most users want to keep standard and special rankings as separate entities.
But - where is this Vice Admiral ranking so I understand what I am looking at here...?
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