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Following other threads about disabling tooltips, I'm trying to remove those that show up when the cursor hovers over a user's avatar. When I look in the thread files, I get to this line:
sp_UserAvatar('tagClass=spPostUserAvatar spCenter&context=user', $spThisPostUser);
But that line's classes deal with the div wrapper, not the link tag or the image within. Is there a way to remove the vtip class from the link tag generated by the hook above?
interesting, just that one, eh? not really set up to do that via template functions, but can be done with some hooks...
in you spFunctions.php file of your theme, add this:
add_filter('sph_BuildAvatarDisplay', 'my_remove_vtip', 10, 2); function my_remove_vtip($avatar, $userid) { $avatar = str_replace ('vtip', '', $avatar); return $avatar; }
should do it.... but have not ested...
remember, we strongly recommend you do this in your own sp theme and not one of ours that will get overwritten on upgrades...
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