Support Forum
third example shows how to remove home link...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
No you have to make the changes in your sp theme you are using... as always, we recommend you make your theme vice editing one of ours to keep from losing changes (this will get easier in 5.5. with child themes)... see:
then you edit the spHead.php template file in your theme... find the use of template function sp_BreadCrumbs() and change the arguments to match the example in the codex.. ie:
sp_BreadCrumbs('tagClass=spLeft spBreadCrumbs&tree=1');
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Hey Christopher,
Here is the link to Creating a Child Theme
As for the 'solution', are you looking to also remove the home link?
If so, take a look at the arguments for sp_BreadCrumbs
Further down the page you will have examples of how to change the breadcrumb behaviour including removing / changing the home link.
FYI, the Codex used to be it's own entity but has been merged within this site. You can still access it from the menu in the right sidebar "Codex Pages" and also the search directly underneath that.