Support Forum

Something is up with this simple-press forum. The "submit reply" button is greyed out, so I can't continue the topic. I logged out and back in and it's still not possible to submit the reply. This reply is relevant to this post, which remains unresolved:
I went into Your Admin Options and did indeed see a "Receive notification (within forum - not email) on topic/post edits" option that was selected, so I unselected and saved. On refreshing the page all that junk is still there though. Gave it almost a day to see if it would automatically remove itself and it hasn't.

I can not really explain a disabled 'submit reply' occurrence... Is this a permanent state for you? Or just a one off page load issue?
As to the 'post edit notices', then turning the option off is going to stop new ones being saved in your listing - it wont remove existing ones. There should be a 'remove' label against each one with a 'remove' link. So you can remove them manually or failing that they will time out after a while - although I will need to check the timeout setting.
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the timeout is either a week or a month..
but yes, if you dont like them, disable them... fair number of requests for them as folks want to know what people are doing on their forums...
not sure I understand the disabled either.. we have no facility or functionality that can do that as near as I can remember..
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The non-ability to submit a reply was just for that one post. I can reply now fine. The only thing I can think of is that I was submitting another thread in another tab and then moved back to that post to reply to it, although I would have thought logging out and back in again would get me back on track.
Anyway, to the issue at hand, is this lingering of messages related to the Cron issue I had on the other thread? Do I have to disable and re-enable the plugin to see the effects of my request to turn these annoying messages off? Or which "hook" do I have to force to run to make sure this setting is updated?
As it happens there is NO "remove label" or link anywhere near these messages. They look like the image provided above, but in English. The only link is to the forum post that was "edited".
No dismiss button in a notice? not sure how that would happen - has not been reported before... does not appear you properly uploaded the image though...
but if you want to remove all the notices, you can do so in your db... just empty the sfnotices table... this has nothing to do with the stats cron you are referring to...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
hmm... wonder if the wp theme css is overriding ours and 'hiding' our dismiss link... frankly, never seen it not show up before.. will have to research how that is even possible...
dont delete the sfnotices table... empty it... its in your database... so you phpymyadmin or other db admin tool to empty/truncate it... perhaps we can consider a housekeeping function to also allow pruning of the sfnotices table...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
if you disabled those edit notices, they wont grow...
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