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You can remove or comment out the call to Share This within the template. In this case spTopicView.php in the /templates folder of your SP theme.
Way down you should see the comment:
# Add Share This and/or Answers Topic to bottom of post content
2 or 3 lines under that you will see the call to
Just comment out that line (putting a # in front will do the trick) and you should be fine.
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I am sorry! I don't mean to be difficult. But it is still not clear. Does it has to be like this?
(function_exists(# 'sp_ShareThisTopicIndexTag')
The reason I want to make sure is because last time when I was editing the code and one character was wrong, the whole website crashed.
no... change
if (function_exists('sp_ShareThisTopicIndexTag')) sp_ShareThisTopicIndexTag('tagClass=ShareThisTopicIndex spLeft');
# if (function_exists('sp_ShareThisTopicIndexTag')) sp_ShareThisTopicIndexTag('tagClass=ShareThisTopicIndex spLeft');
and you should be good...
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