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I just uploaded the Share This plugin. However, I clicked what I wanted to show but I don't see anything? Any ideas?
I have tried to get the Mobile template in Orange to take, but it doesn't seem to want to take it. Rather just the Reboot theme w/o the mobility theme. Any ideas? Perhaps if it was TRULY the mobile theme the orange would be darker? I have tried at least 10 times now it says Mobility theme activated and the color says red, but it keeps defaulting back to the Reboot theme in Orange color non mobility theme.
P.s. I understand this is the Reboot Mobile Phone theme, but... I swear when I load it the orange on this theme is darker that the orange that I select. Is there a trick to make the orange a tad darker like this theme?
Checking a topic page I can see the share this buttons are supposedly there but are not showing. Looking at the console there is a conflict on the page:
ReferenceError: stLight is not defined
Do you have any other WP ShareThis plugins running and if so, are they up to date?
While we're at it, is everything else up to date i.e WordPress, WP plugins, theme etc..
As to your question on the theme, you can create a child theme very easily.
We offer the frameworks in the store for free, so all you need to do is download the reboot child theme framework, add it to your themes folder and change the name in the right places if required (see the 'create a child theme' link I posted above for more info).
In the case of Reboot all the colours are controlled by an overlay file with 10 base colours. Copying an existing overlay from the reboot > styles > overlays folder (orange.php might be a good place to start if that's what you want to change) to your child themes styles > overlays folder and changing these $baseColor's allows you to change the look of the entire theme very quickly and easily.
Hope that helps..
Thanks Ike,
I would like to get a bid to fix my ShareThis plug and to get the Reboot theme overlay/child which I have, but need someone to install it as for some reason, it's not allowing me to upload the mobility theme. I have an older audience and need it to be easy for them to read and I like this theme as it's easy to read. And, if I am blatantly missing anything else you would recommend, please include that too or let me know once you get started that you see another couple of helpful hints you would recommend.
Kind Regards Ike!
Brian 🙂
okay, let us know if you need any further help...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I would like to know how to tell if my ShareThis plug is working? Ike told me to do something about making sure there was no conflict, but... I deleted my other WP plugin for my blog post that had the twitter/facebook/google links after every post, but not sure how that would effect this plugin? Regardless, I deleted it. But, I don't see the ShareThis. Secondly, if I may, the admin tool bar, I added that Plugin and I believe I installed it correctly. Can you tell me by looking at my forum if it's there? Or is that something me at the Admin only sees?
Just out of curiosity, I take it you don't use the ShareThis plugin? Maybe I just don't need it as from my blog posts you can just facebook like/twitter/google from there anyway.... Maybe I just don't need it after all? Recommendation?
Thanks and have a nice day,
P.s. I would ... like to get a price quote/bid to be able to use the mobility orange theme and installed like I say I would have to do with the ChildReboot Mobility theme. The reason is that your site *this theme" is easy to read, the other themes that I have tried with your available themes w.o having to be a coder are hard to read. And.. my audience is a lot older crowd which is why I LOVE this theme you for the sure point of easy on the eyes and easy to ready.
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
oh, and share this... our share this plugin will just help if your users want to share a forum or a topic or a post from your forum... the wp plugin wont interpret that stuff correctly on a forum page...
have you set up the options on forum - components - share this?
I still see a bunch of js errors on your pages... it also appears you are serving cached pages from w3tc... which would explain the errors... have you disabled the forum page from being cached for all types of caching in use? that plugin just does not properly handle dynamic pages...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Ok... I tried to follow the directions to add the Reboot Child theme (which I had already downloaded) and add the new theme which I called the same one as in the example following the steps.
The current theme stylesheet:
cannot be found. Please correct or select a new theme for proper operation.
Thanks for the help.
I also removed the W3 and deleted the ShareThis plugin and then reinstalled it again, yet I don't see anything anywhere. Ideas?
Location: /home/aortic/www/www/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-themes/mySiteDefChi/styles
Is this the .css file that comes with the Reboot Child Theme that I need to rename to the
mySiteDefChi.css ?
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