Support Forum
Ok - let's try something different. In the Unified theme /templates folder is the spTopicView.php template and I would like you to make a small edit of you would.
Around line 366 - much nearer the bottom than the top - is this line of code:
sp_PostIndexUserSignature('tagClass=spPostUserSignature spCenter&maxHeightBottom=55');
I would like you to remove the 55 from the end of that, save, clear the browser cache and see what happens (if anything!).
So literally... - leave the equal sign in place...
sp_PostIndexUserSignature('tagClass=spPostUserSignature spCenter&maxHeightBottom=');
Well - something is going on but I think it is a little deeper than just signatures.
If you look at the group view (the opening page of the forum) or the forum view (i.e., list of topics within a forum) then it is almost as if i doesn't know who you are. The top two forums show the last post but do not credit them to a user unlike the bottom two that credit the last post user as 'Gnome'. It is probably not a co-incidence that it is those top two that do not display the signature.
The real puzzling question, of course, is why. I can state categorically that this is something we have never seen before. And just to make it more puzzling - if you visit one of the uncredited topics it knows it is you when displaying the post itself.
I am going to have to bring my colleague @mr-papa into this one to see if between us we can work out just what might be going on....
any chance you can make that account an SP admin? go to forum - admins - manage admins and grant all capabilities... we still wont be able to access other parts of the admin - just the SP stuff...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
right now, the account seems to have been made a WP admin, but not an SP admin... they are two different things...
please go to forum - admins - manage admins and add in the capabilities to this account please...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World