Support Forum

Hi. Im new around here and i want to know does simple press forum can do this kind of staff:
- difrent topic text color for admin/moderators (they write their topic in green color, rest ppl write in black)
- every blog info/news has link COMMENT and it link to the forum topic witch look like - 1 post is the news it self and the rest of the post are the ppl comments (i dont want the comment system, i want forum to work as a comment system)
- simple url's
- great modification ability (css, images replacement, etc.)
- fully integrate with wordpress (same users, passwors, mails + with options to use names, nor usernames) [for log to my page user use their e-mails not their names)
- latest forum topic plugin - to display links (10) to latest forum topic somewhere on page
It would be nice that some advenced user/moderator/admin answer this post !
o yes, you can have different color by user type
o not sure I follow your comment question.. but you can have blog posts and forum topics tied together... and you can use or share comments with posts...
o simple urls??? what do you mean? pretty permalinks are supported, yes...
o you can customize any css or images... currently its a skin, so layout is somewhat fixed, but 5.0 will replace skins with themes
o completely integrated with wp... shared db and logins...
o multiple template tags for latest posts...
I would suggest you read the wiki or search this forum as lots of information in both...
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