Support Forum

My plugins page has this message underneath the Simple:Press plugin:
Latest version available: 5.2.3 Build: 9874 - Simple:Press Version 5.2.3 Release, Build 9874 is now available for download. This release is a maintenance release with mainly bug fixes but does contain on IMPORTANT security fix and thus is highly recommended for all users. See the changelog for complete details. Please note, this version of Simple:Press requires WP 3.3+.
For details and to download please visit Simple:Press or update automatically
I clicked the "update automatically" link.
The upgrade completed.
Then the Plugins page said, "Select the forum menu to complete the upgrade of your Simple:Press."
When I click Forum > Upgrade Simple:Press a page loads with a "Perform Upgrade" button.
When I click that button a page loads with a frozen graphic that says, "Upgrade is in progress - please wait."
And I'm still waiting.
The page is: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=simple-press/sp-startup/sp-load-install.php
Thank you for your help.
so gonna need bit more info... using firefox with firebug - or other browser with its dev tool (firebug is just the best) - see what the ajax response in the console is...
what version are you upgrading from?
have you tried multiple times?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Hello, i got the same problem:Forum>Upgrade Simple:Press
Upgrade Simple:Press From Version 5.2.2 to 5.2.3 - (Build 9610 to Build 9874)
and when i click "Perform upgrade", i get:
Upgrade Aborted
current build: 9610
{"status":"success","type":"upgrade","section":9652,"response":"Build upgrade section 9652 executing. Status: success
any idea?
SOLVED: "Wp-minify" plugin messed with this. I turned it off and then upgraded forum without problems.
yes, minify causes problems with many plugins... in our case, we already minify our scripts so minifying again will break them...
nice detective work - thanks for the update!
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World