Support Forum
after i installed Simple:Press Forum everything worked. I noticed that i wasn't able to upload files via FTP to the sp-resources folder. I had no permissions. I changed the chown permissions, so i was able to upload Plugins and replace default user icons for example.
Now i face the Problem that the administration area doesn't work anymore.
If i turn the chown rights back to PHP-User like i assume it was before, it stays the same. Do you have any idea how to get out of this mess without reinstall and configure everything from scratch again. The Forum has like 70 Posts until now, any idea how i could keep them?
To give you an idea whats wrong: the green area links work, the links in the red areas don't. They only work like
and link to the same page.

This is most unlikely to have anything to do with server file or folder permissions. Far more probable that this is a simple javascript conflict of some kind.
I have to ask the obvious question I am afraid. It worked and then it stopped. So what happened to make it stop? A new WordPress plugin installed perhaps? Other changes to your website? Something must have been installed to cause a conflict?
I think there were 3 steps i made.
Setting chown permissions.
Installing Tinymce-richtext plugin.
As far as i remember, there was an update for Simple:Press which i installed also (buildnummer: 11488)
But i didn't mind to check the other Wordpress plugins a minute ago, based on your response.
So it seems you are right. The Plugin "WP Review" Version 3.1 from MyThemesShop does seem to have a conflict with Simple:Press. I deactivated WP Review and the administration came back to work.
Thanks for your support.

I can confirm that wp-review is throwing a type error on line 7 of their admin.js script which is then causing jQuery to completely stop functioning which in turn stops much of the Simple:Press Ajax to fail.
They should probably just follow WordPress standards and not use the '$' to address jQuery. It appears to be in conflict. Unless there really IS something wrong with line 7 of course!
Or - perhaps they could try only loading their scripts when needed as opposed to loading them on all admin page loads where mostly they are not needed. This is what Simple:Press does to avoid scripts conflicting elsewhere.
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