Support Forum
A question again (and I am sure there will be more following 🙂 ).
Some weeks ago when I was configuring the forum I made a number of the initial members moderator. Later on we agreed that there were too many moderators, so we decided to bring it back to 3 moderators.
So I removed the persons who should not be a moderator from the moderator group, leaving only the 3 moderators behind.
Strange enough the people I removed from the moderator group are still shown as moderator...
And not only as shown on the picture above, but also in the profiles that are shown beside posted messages (and some more places).
Are there more ways to make someone moderator apart from the moderator group? I looked but could not find anything.
I have only 4 groups and only the moderator group is set "moderator".
Did I mess something?
A Fellowship of Friends.
Let see if I can recall it all.
When I installed the Forum-software I got an option to make all WordPress-admin also Forum-admins. And with that they became also moderators (this how I recall it, but I am not 100% sure).
After talking with the people involved I removed their moderator status.
I did this by:
- WordPress Dashboard
- Forum menu
- User groups
- On de Moderator group: "Move/Delete"
- Moved users from the "Current Members"-Window to the "Selected Members"-windows
- Pressed the button "Delete/Move Members".
But I just noticed something strange on the "Manage admins"-screen (maybe it is related).
"Moderator Jennifer" is correct.
Maybe I see it wrongly, but "Moderator Patricia" shouldn't be in this screen (although she had no permissions selected). She is one of the removed moderators (all the others are just like this in this screen).
Hope this helps.
have you verified that no other usergroups have the "is moderator" flag set?
would be interesting to see also in the database, table wp_sfmembers, which ones actually have a 1 in the moderator column... should match what you see on the admins panel...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
also, if you check her 'remove all capabilities' button and save, does she go away from the screen?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Only the group moderators has the flag "is moderator" set as you can see below.
The result of the query "select user_id, display_name, moderator from wp_sfmembers" is:
And indeed, all the users that were initial set as moderator have the value 1 in the field moderator, even when they are not member of the group moderators anymore.
"Remove all capablities" and confirming it with "update admin capabilities" doesn't remove the entry of the screen.
Anyway, looking at the result of the query on table wp_sfmembers, is reseting the field moderator to 0 enough to remove them as moderator?
odd... I cannot replicate this behavior... removing the capabilities always removes the moderator...
removing the 1 in moderator column might be enough... normally, each moderator also has wp capabilities defined in the wp usermeta table... but if they are empty on the admins panel, they should already be removed...
when you save the admins panel, do you get any mysql errors in the php error log? or on forum - toolbox - error log?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
There are no entries for today in the errorlog, but there are some older entries. I will attach the errorlog, maybe it can help you to find out what went wrong.
I will try to set the field moderator to zero on the account of my girlfriend. Her rage I can handle best if something goes wrong (but I will wait on your okay to try it).
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