Support Forum

I believe I've got everything in place per the instructions, but the smileys do not show as they do in this forum below. They all show as question marks.
The gravatar also only shows as a question mark.
Thanks again for all the support and I will continue to provide feedback...
question mark?? do you have a link? or an image? so we can understand what you mean...
have you checked forum - integration - storage locations and made sure the smileys location is good?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Okay, they were in the SVN files I downloaded, but did not get installed. The folder was empty so I manually put them in and it the avatar works, but I still do not see the smiley' I need TinyMCE?
This makes me wonder if the wench icon you mention is located in a folder that's empty? If so, where would I look?
its in the default theme... assuming you are using that one...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
why cant you upload a file??? you havent discussed that one...
and this is pretty weird you are having all these tinymce related issues when no one else is, thus far at least... worth noting that the uploader insert into content is only working in tinymce right now... other editors being worked as we speak...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
after you upload, its auto inserted into the post content... if using tinymce...
no error messages below the uploader? and you have checked the storage location? is it really there? if so, any post content at all?
you do realize its a two step process... select files and then click on start upload?
so what type of computer? pc, mac or other? which uploader runtime are you getting (hover over the image in upper left)?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
and btw, that account you sent is not an sp admin... forum - admins - manage admins... add all capabilities...
plus where is the forum on that site??? the link goes to phpbb...
other ones seem to go to a forum, but you dont have a lot of the theme template files... confused where you are working here...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World