Support Forum
Please read the membership policy... link below the footer of the forum...
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Okay, I've read that but how are we suppose to review it if most of the time you guys aren't online and when you are it's in periods of 30mins - 1 hour. I really don't have that kind of time to wait and get things resolved.
To avoid all that mess, I simple just want my money back.
sorry, so we should be online in the forum 24/7? would need to add a few more zeroes to the subscription amount...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Refund requests will only be considered where it can be shown that our support has failed in some definable way.
That is why I want my money back, poor support. I'm pretty sure you just have enough money to hire a support team.
6785 members and probably 10% are still active is just enough to hire at least 2-4 more people.
Even if you don't want to hire, you guys should be having shifts so you don't have to work 24/7....
Now, I'm asking you nicely please give me my money back.
This is probably a waste of my time responding to this but I am going to anyway.
Firstly the 6785 members (actually 6715) is based on an erroneous assumption on your part as the vast majority of these 'members' registered prior to the current 'membership' model being introduced. There is no way we can employ people to work the forum. Also erroneous is the suggestion that 10% remain members when their membership expires. Because we allow ex-members to continue to download updates to core SP and our plugins then no - most do not renew.
During your membership you raised four topics on the forums. The longest you waited for an initial reply was 1 and 3/4 hours which was bad luck really because you happened to post when one of us had just gone to bed for the night and the other was about to get up in the morning. A second topic you waited about an hour for. The other just under half an hour and one you had to wait a whole 4 minutes before I answered. if I got these kinds of response times on dedicated support frameworks I have to use then I would be a much happier man.
Looking at your support threads I do notice that you had a tendency not to answer questions we asked. This can make it very difficult to offer advice as we do rather rely on information we receive. Your final thread (this one) appears to be all about trashing your admin rights because another WordPress plugin performed an action that personally I find quite bewildering and clearly took absolutely no account of any other plugin that might have been dependent upon core data. Another user actually used that plugin just last week and with a bit of simple co-operation and discussion he was back up and running successfully very quickly.
And lastly - despite your attempt to re-install (without taking advice before doing so) I still am quite confident that the problem can be resolved - unless you have now removed SP data of course. I totally fail to see any failure in our support plus we were given no opportunity to sort out what was not only a simple issue but not one directly caused by any failures in Simple:Press.
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