Support Forum
Having some difficulty embedding Soundcloud links as it seems they're not on Wordpress' oembed list. I also saw another thread saying that iframe embedding is disallowed due to security issues (that's how I usually do it within the WP area of the site)
The way round this *seems* to be to install the Jetpack plugin which provides functionality in your self-hosted blog. And indeed, the shortcodes seem to work fine - e.g. [soundcloud url="" /]
However, this functionality doesn't seem to carry through into Simple:Press (you just get a blank post). I guess the Jetpack stuff doesn't operate under the Simple:Press area (I'm never quite sure where one stops and the other starts).
More info, or to muddy the waters further - the Soundcloud-supplied embed code usually is of the form [soundcloud url="" params="" width=" 100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]
However, setting iframe to false makes no difference (docs suggest it should give you the Adobe Flash widget rather than the html5 iframe).
As the old saying goes, "any ideas?"
Well to get the shortcode to work you would need to add it to the shortcode whitelist in the forum admin > Options > Content Settings. So that might be worth a try...
For the record, when you write a blog post there is no problem using an iFrame as you, the author, are the only person who can effect the content of that iFrame. You are in control of what URL is used to populate it.
When it comes to forum posts you are opening up that control to all of your users. A suitably constructed script placed in an iFrame url can destroy your site, wipe your data... you name it.