Support Forum
The statistics at the bottom of the display are cached any only updated at pre-set intervals - by default once an hour. This uses the WordPress 'cron' system which appears - every now and then - to annoyingly lose some of its settings fort some users so you may be a victim of this.
The easiest way to get the cache rebuilt and, hopefully, the task re-scheduled in the WP Cron system is to deactivate the SP plugin (NOT uninstall) and then immediately reactivate it again. After that, run a few pages and then see if, after a few minutes, the stats have updated. Then, assuming they do, keep a watch on them for the next few days.
do you know if wp cron functions on your site?? sounds like perhaps not...
try writing a test wp blog post.. but dont publish it... schedule it to post in 10 minutes... see if it shows up... if not, you are issues with wp cron...
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