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The only way you can find out for sure is to reverse the change that Steve made in the code. The change he made is really a one-off hack to cater for non-standard theme behaviour. As I said above - this effects the processing of the website 'head'. We have no idea how your theme processes the head and how much it may or may not apply WordPress filters and actions etc. All we know is that it does its own thing.
I have not studied the changes that Steve made but I do know it had something to do with trying to stop your theme loading our head code more than once. If this turns out to be the cause then it may be that you will simply have to chose between one problem or another problem I am afraid.
To put it bluntly - Simple:Press fully supports the standard WordPress API and published framework. It would be so much easier for everyone of all other plugins and themes did the same thing!
Andy, could you please tell me just which file Steve modified?
I can download it and save it, then put the original file back and see how everything behaves.
If Steve's changes effect everything for the sake of having the plugin Templates and Tags working, then I guess I can avoid to use that plugin to have everything else doing OK...
File: /simple-press/sp-startup/forum/sp-forum-framework.php
Function: sp_load_plugin_styles()
The line at the top of the function:
if (!sp_get_option('sfwpheadbypass') && $spCSSLoaded) return;
was originally:
if ($spCSSLoaded) return;
The problem here is that this is now in the core code so will be in the next update of SP.
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