Support Forum
The styles for PM and admin post bag do not appear to be within the theme templates. They appear to be located within the actual plugin code.
How can i style these?
I thought we had already written this up in the codex, but apparently not, so must just have been previous post discussions...
but we we load css for a plugin, we check your current theme first for the stylesheet and use it if it exists... if not, the css stylesheet from the plugin is used...
so copy the plugin css style sheet into your theme styles folder and edit it there... for example, with pm, copy private-messaging/css/sp-pm.css into your sp theme styles directory and edit away...
no way we could make the plugin css match every sp theme, so we gave themes an easy way to specify the css for the plugins to match the sp theme...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
and btw, you can do the same with any images/icons in the plugin... just put an image/icon that you want into your sp theme images folder and it will be used instead of the one supplied with the plugin...
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