Support Forum
Yellow Swordfish said
Hope so. Currently being tested here and should make it into the next update.
Hello guys,
Thanks for the latest SP update. Every thing got updated nicely without any issues.
However the sub forum icon issue still remain. I was hoping it should be fixed in this update. Any schedule for when it might get fixed?
Yellow Swordfish said
As far as our testing went it most certainly was fixed. Tested out just fine.Can you remind me again of the problem in case I misunderstood first time around - and perhaps provide a link to an example if you have one current?
I will attach some images in a moment, that shows the issue.
Yellow Swordfish said
Well I have no idea what has gone on here. I know 100% I changed that code but you are quite right - it ain't there now.I have restored the missing code. It is a bit complicated but I could try and show you the changes if you wanted to try applying them...
Yes please, that would be much appricated.
OK - I will give it a try... there are two files involved.
1 - /simple-press/forum/content/classes/sp-forum-view-class.php
1.1 - at line 479 locate this line of code:
$f[$forumid]->forum_icon = sanitize_file_name($r->forum_icon);
and add below it:
$f[$forumid]->forum_icon_new = sanitize_file_name($r->forum_icon_new);
1.2 - at line 545 locate this line of code:
$f[$fidx]->subforums[$sub->forum_id]->forum_icon = sanitize_file_name($sub->forum_icon);
and add below it:
$f[$fidx]->subforums[$sub->forum_id]->forum_icon_new = sanitize_file_name($sub->forum_icon_new);
1.3 - at line 695 locate this line of code:
$spdb->fields = 'forum_id, forum_name, forum_slug, forum_desc, forum_seq, forum_status, forum_disabled, forum_icon, topic_icon, topic_icon_new, forum_rss_private, post_id, post_id_held, topic_count, post_count, post_count_held, parent, children';
and add the following text after 'forum_icon' along with the necessary comma:
2 - /simple-press/forum/content/sp-forum-view-functions.php
2.1 Locate the block of code between lines 88 and 97. These start with the line:
if (!empty($spThisSubForum->forum_icon)) {
and end with the line:
$out = "<img id='$tagId' class='$tagClass' src='$icon' alt='' />\n";
Replace the whole block of code with:
$path = SPTHEMEICONSDIR; $url = SPTHEMEICONSURL; if($spThisSubForum->unread) { $fIcon = sanitize_file_name($iconUnread); if (!empty($spThisSubForum->forum_icon_new)) { $fIcon = sanitize_file_name($spThisSubForum->forum_icon_new); $path = SFCUSTOMDIR; $url = SFCUSTOMURL; } } else { $fIcon = sanitize_file_name($icon); if (!empty($spThisSubForum->forum_icon)) { $fIcon = sanitize_file_name($spThisSubForum->forum_icon); $path = SFCUSTOMDIR; $url = SFCUSTOMURL; } } if(!file_exists($path.$fIcon)) { $fIcon = SPTHEMEICONSURL.sanitize_file_name($icon); } else { $fIcon = $url.$fIcon; } if ($get) return $fIcon; $out = "<img id='$tagId' class='$tagClass' src='$fIcon' alt='' />\n";
and all being well that should do...