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I tried logging out User B, then User A added a new reply, then User B logged back in. No change to 0 subscriptions.
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They're all up to date and SP forum is up to date.
Thank you!
anything in the error log? worth checking forum - toolbox - error log too...
a bit stymied since its working here and on test sites... any js errors in the console when you load a page?
what version of subscriptions plugin?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
every day at 11:15??? quite weird... but its only a notice, not an error...
to check for js errors, you would want to visit the site with your browser console open and see if any are flagged...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Do you mean the Firebug console?
If so, there's one error:
SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list Line 2
If your site is the same as in the error message, you are serving cached pages... or course, it appears your forum is behind a pay wall, so want to make sure that you are not caching the wp page the forum appears on... and have disabled it for ALL types of caching you are using for w3tc...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks. I did have that installed awhile back and uninstalled it. I just reinstalled it so I could go through and thoroughly uninstall it again. I followed these steps:
Do you still see it as cached from your end?
I think it must be because subscriptions are still not working...
yes you are still serving cached pages... look at page and then in your browser view the page source... you will see something like:
<!-- Performance optimized by W3 Total Cache. Learn more: Page Caching using disk: enhanced Database Caching 216/375 queries in 0.025 seconds using disk Object Caching 4319/4598 objects using disk Served from: @ 2013-05-30 20:08:06 by W3 Total Cache -->
make sure you set wp_cache = false in the wp-config.php file... and remove the advanced_cache.php file from wp-content... and disable the plugin...
that is, assuming you want to delete it... you can just tell it to ignore the wp page the forum is on if you want to keep using it outside the forum...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I did all that when uninstalling it. (false in wp-config.php, removing the files, disabling plugin, etc.)
Anyway, I just reinstalled it to see about making forums an exception.
It doesn't really give me the naming convention for making the exception, so I just listed 'forums' which is the name of my forums page. I added it in 2 places:
--to purge when a new posts is added
--never cache the following pages (I listed forums here)
Can I give you admin access so you can help me with this more? Because the subscriptions are still not working. Thank you!
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