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I'm having some issues with subscription emails. I set up two accounts - one is my main administrator account, the other is a test user. I've created a test thread and am trying to test subscriptions - but it doesn't appear any emails are being sent...Yet when I created the test user an email was successfully sent reporting account creation to the test user.
confused... in another topic you said users couldnt subscribe... if they cannot subscribe, they wont receive emails...
and all emails are sent by wp... and would be sent to the email address in the user profile...
couple other things to check...
are you using digests or per post notification? both general setup and in the user profile... you can either get an email per post in subscribed forums/topics or receive a daily/weekly digest of new posts in subscribed topics...
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The administrative user could subscribe - regular users couldn't. I found that I had to change the Permissions as well as adding the subscribe option generally. Now regular users are receiving email notifications but admin users still aren't. I am not using the digest options.
one topic per issue please... will answer in the other topic...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Ok, it appears most are now receiving the notification emails. I just had to completely change one user's email because it wouldn't work. It now works with his alternate email address. The admin had his subscription notifications set wrong.
Users cannot subscribe to receive notifications on forum posts and daily digest or nothing works if they have both selected. Might warrant making note of this on the subscription notification pages. Caused me a bit of a headache at first because I setup all my users to receive both and didn't realize that resulted in 0 notifications for anyone.
what? you are saying if you subscribe to a forum or a topic, digests are not sent??? shouldnt be that way... of course, the opposite must be true (if digests, wont get forum and topic notifications)...
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