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There is no division between the posts content and a user's signature.
If somebody make a one word or one line reply, then the signature is not even pushed to the bottom, it moves to the middle and with no division, it become confusing for new comers/visitors.
I feel that there should be a horizontal line above the signature or upper border defined for the div containing the sig.
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums
Chk the signature in this post.
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums
click what???? no link or anything...
now, it is a theme... so you can change or modify whatever you want... you can simply add a border, by modifying the css for:
#spMainContainer .spTopicPostSection .spPostUserSignature
would love to push it to the bottom, but seem to be unable to... have asked for help but no one seems to know solution... has to do with css.. real easy if you use tables... but most folks hate tables in display - me included... but real easy to align stuff as you want... some day, css will get proper column controls...
we will discuss if we want our delivered themes to have more of a divider of some sort between content and sig...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thank you Mr. papa.
Nowhere did I say 'Click'. I said 'Chk' short for 'Check' 🙂
I'll try to find a solution to the issue myself and will post here if I find an answer to the bottom alignment issue.
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums
I think I have solved it. Here is the solution.
To make the signature align to the bottom of the post contaier and have a top border too. Make these changes:
#spMainContainer .spTopicPostSection {
color: <?php echo($userColor); ?>;
background: <?php echo($userBackGround); ?>;
border: <?php echo($userBorder); ?>;
margin: <?php echo($postMargin); ?>;
overflow: hidden;
padding: <?php echo($postPadding); ?>;
<?php echo($smallRadius); ?>
padding-bottom: 40px;
#spMainContainer .spTopicPostSection .spPostUserSignature {
padding: 1em 1em;
font-size: <?php echo($spPostUserSignature); ?>;
border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
bottom: 0;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
What I basically did was made the container TopicPostSection position relative and increased the bottom padding to 40px.
In the signature div
- added bottom:0, made position absolute, defined width as 100% and increased padding from .5em to 1 em.
Also added the top border:
border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
Works fine on my site!
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums
eek! absolute positioning... bound to have issues with some wp themes... but I will have a play with your ideas and see if can hold up to some testing and various themes and skins...
of course, your fix as is will break the overlay system... but if it works, can adapt the changes to that...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
You can give it a shot. I feel it won't break the overlay because it is a nested div - div within a div within a div.
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums
Simple Press is a great software working at Homeopathy Forums
no, it does not work quite right... even on your link... notice that your signature is not centered... its because the 100% width is wrong... its needs to be the width of the parent's parent, minus margin and padding...
so sure... one can change 100% to make it fit right, but it will bork again, if the width of the parent column is changed... so not ideal...
but I am continuing research along these lines... need to work on the various parents inheriting various widths... the real problem is its not easy to center an absolute positioned element without knowing the actual width of the container (which we dont know in the css as its set in the template file)...
and by breaking overlays, I meant you hardcoded the 40px in the main css file (actually php)... that padding is actually defined in the overlay file and should go in those, not the main css file...
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