Support Forum
Hi, the text field has stopped working on my forum? What have I done? (the field in which I wrote this message).
not sure where to start...
so if it was working, what has changed? things dont just stop working... wp updates? theme or plugin updates?
that said, you are also using wp super cache... have you told it to ignore the wp page the forum is on since you cannot cache the forum?
also, you have a theme or plugin incorrectly loading jquery from an off server location and it appears to be conflicting with the jquery version that wp loads...
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
for more info on this see:
same for jquery ui...
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
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Hi, thanks for the reply
It seems to be when I activate 'Editor TinyMCE Rich Text'.
I was using 'Use Google Libraries'. Could that have been the cause of incorrectly loading jquery? (I don't know how to test?)
I think I have told it to ignore the forum page? Image below is what I did.
Thank you for your help I very much appreciate it!
This thread may be a good starting place for the adsense question although a search will throw up many answers:
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