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I clicked on a post author's link to the left of a post (you can try Lee H, for example), and it brought up his profile.
I then checked the button at the bottom to view the full profile, and received the message "The requested member does not exist". What was that quote from philosophy: I post, therefore I am? If he posts, must he not exist?
was that here on our site? or your site?
works fine for me, your example... will try shortly with a regular user and see what happens...
what url does it take you to?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
okay, I get the same response doing it with a regular user account... so will log a ticket... likely a permission issue since it works fine for admins... message is misleading too since its the right url...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
oh, you should see my test sites... recreate pseudo users for many users here
and did reply that there seems to be an issue with standard members getting that error...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Ooops. Was in a hurry earlier and forgot to mention I can reproduce this. Heh heh... Mr. Papa doesn't exist either.
sometimes that's what my wife wishes...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World