Support Forum
I have a problem with tiny editor. From the beggining of my simple press instalation when I instaled the plugin it didnt work. I didnt know why and coludnt fix it so I just deactivated it and installed other text editor. But now my customers are saying that they would like more simple and better text editor so I wolud like to make it work. Can you tell me please what could be the problem because everything I have installed is updated.
The problem with tiny editor is that when I install it the whole box in which text should be written is unclickable and all those simple option that tiny editor has for text editing are not even shown...
The other question is about recent forum posts widget. Is it possible to make that the customer avatar that I have put to be shown in the widget is in the same row as forum post link? From what I see there are options to play with the picture in terms where do you want to put it, but problem is that it is shown either above post link, or under it.
I would like it to be in the same row because in that way lot of my sidebar space would be saved. It wolud actually take half of a space to show stuff that I want to show than now.
Thank you
The three most common reasons for the tinyMCE editor issue are
- Another plugin is trying to add extra buttons to the editor to add extra functionality. this may make the assumption that the editor is only available for writing blog posts which is no longer the case.
- The use of the WishList Tags SP plugin which has a known problem.
- An old-style JavaScript conflict with your WP theme or another plugin as discussed in this article: which describes how to check for this.
As to the widget - then this will need some styling in your Wp theme CSS file. It may need more on your site - I couldn't say without knowing more - but generally I would try adding this:
.spAvatar { float: left; }
which may just be enough.