Support Forum
there actually used to be a post on this in the forum, but i can't find it any more (it was at the former link: )
i'm just looking for a way to have the forum's title settings override those established in the Ultimate SEO plugin - which, by default, overwrite the forum "page" with just the singular title "forum" as it thinks its only one page.
in the previous discussion, there was a quick hack (likely no longer workable, but still) that would permit the pages to title properly - adding the post topic name, the page number, specific forum, etc.
btw - the new SEO friendly meta description stuff works great!! 🙂
I had a similar issue here
The only solution that worked for me was dropping SEO Ultimate. I installed All in One SEO and everything is fine now.
in 5.0, you should be able to force our title... we tried it with several seo plugins, but obviously not all...
on forum - components - seo, do you have the override option on?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
hiya mr papa
i do have that selected. if at all helpful, i have that selected, and the final four checkboxes (checkspheres?) filled in:
Include forum name in page/browser title
Include topic name in page/browser title
Exclude forum name in page/browser title on topic views only
Include non-forum page view names (ie profile, member list, etc) in page/browser title
and i am using SEO Ultimate
well, the other user said he never did get this plugin working... does it work if you disable it as test? not familiar with this one and dont recall any other reports though...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
unfortunately, it does not.
the URL that I posted above DID contain a fix for the previous version of SPF, however that topic (and one other relating to it) no longer seems to exist on these boards (it was actually in those threads that we discussed the new, and working wonderfully, meta description bit in the admin)
so we need to narrow it down...
try temp switch to wp default theme... working?
if not disable all other plugins... working now? if so,enable one by one until it breaks...
then we can try to understand it better...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
no theme and no plugin has a specific impact EXCEPT the SEO Ultimate plugin.
the SEO ULtimate plugin DOES have a part in it that refers to rewriting titles that I'm sure is the culprit. I believe part of the original fix involved changing code in the a SEO Ultimate php file that controlled rewriting the SEO. (essentially, a "change all titles except on the forum" bit).
If I could get at the original thread ( I might be able to leverage that same code...
that forum was removed as that version is no longer supported... quite old topic...
can you look into the seo ultimate plugin and find the routine that does the rewriting? we might see something...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
if (class_exists('SU_Module')) {
class SU_Titles extends SU_Module {
function get_module_title() { return __('Title Tag Rewriter', 'seo-ultimate'); }
function init() {
switch ($this->get_setting('rewrite_method', 'ob')) {
case 'filter':
add_filter('wp_title', array(&$this, 'get_title'));
case 'ob':
add_action('template_redirect', array(&$this, 'before_header'), 0);
add_action('wp_head', array(&$this, 'after_header'), 1000);
add_filter('su_postmeta_help', array(&$this, 'postmeta_help'), 10);
function get_admin_page_tabs() {
return array_merge(
array('title' => __('Default Formats', 'seo-ultimate'), 'id' => 'su-default-formats', 'callback' => 'formats_tab')
, array('title' => __('Settings', 'seo-ultimate'), 'id' => 'su-settings', 'callback' => 'settings_tab')
, $this->get_meta_edit_tabs(array(
'type' => 'textbox'
, 'name' => 'title'
, 'term_settings_key' => 'taxonomy_titles'
, 'label' => __('Title Tag', 'seo-ultimate')
function formats_tab() {
echo "<table class='form-table'>\n";
$this->textboxes($this->get_supported_settings(), $this->get_default_settings());
echo "</table>";
function settings_tab() {
$this->checkbox('terms_ucwords', __('Convert lowercase category/tag names to title case when used in title tags.', 'seo-ultimate'), __('Title Tag Variables', 'seo-ultimate'));
$this->radiobuttons('rewrite_method', array(
'ob' => __('Use output buffering — no configuration required, but slower (default)', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'filter' => __('Use filtering — faster, but configuration required (see the “Settings Help” dropdown for details)', 'seo-ultimate')
), __('Rewrite Method', 'seo-ultimate'));
function get_default_settings() {
//We internationalize even non-text formats (like "{post} | {blog}") to allow RTL languages to switch the order of the variables
return array(
'title_home' => __('{blog}', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_single' => __('{post} | {blog}', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_page' => __('{page} | {blog}', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_category' => __('{category} | {blog}', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_tag' => __('{tag} | {blog}', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_day' => __('Archives for {month} {day}, {year} | {blog}', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_month' => __('Archives for {month} {year} | {blog}', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_year' => __('Archives for {year} | {blog}', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_author' => __('Posts by {author} | {blog}', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_search' => __('Search Results for {query} | {blog}', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_404' => __('404 Not Found | {blog}', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_paged' => __('{title} - Page {num}', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'terms_ucwords' => true
, 'rewrite_method' => 'ob'
function get_supported_settings() {
return array(
'title_home' => __('Blog Homepage Title', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_single' => __('Post Title Format', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_page' => __('Page Title Format', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_category' => __('Category Title Format', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_tag' => __('Tag Title Format', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_day' => __('Day Archive Title Format', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_month' => __('Month Archive Title Format', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_year' => __('Year Archive Title Format', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_author' => __('Author Archive Title Format', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_search' => __('Search Title Format', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_404' => __('404 Title Format', 'seo-ultimate')
, 'title_paged' => __('Pagination Title Format', 'seo-ultimate')
function get_title_format() {
if ($key = $this->get_current_page_type())
return $this->get_setting("title_$key");
return false;
function get_current_page_type() {
$pagetypes = $this->get_supported_settings();
foreach ($pagetypes as $key => $title) {
$key = str_replace('title_', '', $key);
if (call_user_func("is_$key")) return $key;
return false;
function should_rewrite_title() {
return (!is_admin() && !is_feed());
function before_header() {
if ($this->should_rewrite_title()) ob_start(array(&$this, 'change_title_tag'));
function after_header() {
if ($this->should_rewrite_title()) {
$handlers = ob_list_handlers();
if (count($handlers) > 0 && strcasecmp($handlers[count($handlers)-1], 'SU_Titles::change_title_tag') == 0)
su_debug_log(__FILE__, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "Other ob_list_handlers found:\n".print_r($handlers, true));
function change_title_tag($head) {
$title = $this->get_title();
if (!$title) return $head;
//Replace the old title with the new and return
return eregi_replace('<title>[^<]*</title>', '<title>'.$title.'</title>', $head);
function get_title() {
global $wp_query, $wp_locale;
//Custom post/page title?
if ($post_title = $this->get_postmeta('title'))
return htmlspecialchars($this->get_title_paged($post_title));
//Custom taxonomy title?
if (is_category() || is_tag() || is_tax()) {
$tax_titles = $this->get_setting('taxonomy_titles');
if ($tax_title = $tax_titles[$wp_query->get_queried_object_id()])
return htmlspecialchars($this->get_title_paged($tax_title));
//Get format
if (!$this->should_rewrite_title()) return '';
if (!($format = $this->get_title_format())) return '';
//Load post/page titles
$post_id = 0;
$post_title = '';
$parent_title = '';
if (is_singular()) {
$post = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
$post_title = strip_tags( apply_filters( 'single_post_title', $post->post_title ) );
$post_id = $post->ID;
if ($parent = $post->post_parent) {
$parent = &get_post($parent);
$parent_title = strip_tags( apply_filters( 'single_post_title', $parent->post_title ) );
//Load date-based archive titles
if ($m = get_query_var('m')) {
$year = substr($m, 0, 4);
$monthnum = intval(substr($m, 4, 2));
$daynum = intval(substr($m, 6, 2));
} else {
$year = get_query_var('year');
$monthnum = get_query_var('monthnum');
$daynum = get_query_var('day');
$month = $wp_locale->get_month($monthnum);
$monthnum = zeroise($monthnum, 2);
$day = date('jS', mktime(12,0,0,$monthnum,$daynum,$year));
$daynum = zeroise($daynum, 2);
//Load category titles
$cat_title = $cat_titles = $cat_desc = '';
if (is_category()) {
$cat_title = single_cat_title('', false);
$cat_desc = category_description();
} elseif (count($categories = get_the_category())) {
$cat_titles = su_lang_implode($categories, 'name');
usort($categories, '_usort_terms_by_ID');
$cat_title = $categories[0]->name;
$cat_desc = category_description($categories[0]->term_id);
if (strlen($cat_title) && $this->get_setting('terms_ucwords', true))
$cat_title = sustr::tclcwords($cat_title);
//Load tag titles
$tag_title = $tag_desc = '';
if (is_tag()) {
$tag_title = single_tag_title('', false);
$tag_desc = tag_description();
if ($this->get_setting('terms_ucwords', true))
$tag_title = sustr::tclcwords($tag_title);
//Load author titles
if (is_author()) {
$author_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
} elseif (is_singular()) {
global $authordata;
$author_obj = $authordata;
} else {
$author_obj = null;
if ($author_obj)
$author = array(
'username' => $author_obj->user_login
, 'name' => $author_obj->display_name
, 'firstname' => get_the_author_meta('first_name', $author_obj->ID)
, 'lastname' => get_the_author_meta('last_name', $author_obj->ID)
, 'nickname' => get_the_author_meta('nickname', $author_obj->ID)
$author = array(
'username' => ''
, 'name' => ''
, 'firstname' => ''
, 'lastname' => ''
, 'nickname' => ''
$variables = array(
'{blog}' => get_bloginfo('name')
, '{tagline}' => get_bloginfo('description')
, '{post}' => $post_title
, '{page}' => $post_title
, '{page_parent}' => $parent_title
, '{category}' => $cat_title
, '{categories}' => $cat_titles
, '{category_description}' => $cat_desc
, '{tag}' => $tag_title
, '{tag_description}' => $tag_desc
, '{tags}' => su_lang_implode(get_the_tags($post_id), 'name', true)
, '{daynum}' => $daynum
, '{day}' => $day
, '{monthnum}' => $monthnum
, '{month}' => $month
, '{year}' => $year
, '{author}' => $author['name']
, '{author_name}' => $author['name']
, '{author_username}' => $author['username']
, '{author_firstname}' => $author['firstname']
, '{author_lastname}' => $author['lastname']
, '{author_nickname}' => $author['nickname']
, '{query}' => su_esc_attr(get_search_query())
, '{ucquery}' => su_esc_attr(ucwords(get_search_query()))
, '{url_words}' => $this->get_url_words($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])
$title = str_replace(array_keys($variables), array_values($variables), htmlspecialchars($format));
return $this->get_title_paged($title);
function get_title_paged($title) {
global $wp_query, $numpages;
if (is_paged() || get_query_var('page')) {
if (is_paged()) {
$num = absint(get_query_var('paged'));
$max = absint($wp_query->max_num_pages);
} else {
$num = absint(get_query_var('page'));
if (is_singular()) {
$post = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
$max = count(explode('<!--nextpage-->', $post->post_content));
} else
$max = '';
return str_replace(
array('{title}', '{num}', '{max}'),
array( $title, $num, $max ),
} else
return $title;
function get_url_words($url) {
//Remove any extensions (.html, .php, etc)
$url = preg_replace('|\\.[a-zA-Z]{1,4}$|', ' ', $url);
//Turn slashes to >>
$url = str_replace('/', ' » ', $url);
//Remove word separators
$url = str_replace(array('.', '/', '-'), ' ', $url);
//Capitalize the first letter of every word
$url = explode(' ', $url);
$url = array_map('trim', $url);
$url = array_map('ucwords', $url);
$url = implode(' ', $url);
$url = trim($url);
return $url;
function postmeta_fields($fields) {
$fields['10|title'] = $this->get_postmeta_textbox('title', __('Title Tag:', 'seo-ultimate'));
return $fields;
function postmeta_help($help) {
$help[] = __('<strong>Title Tag</strong> — The exact contents of the <title> tag. The title appears in visitors’ title bars and in search engine result titles. If this box is left blank, then the <a href="admin.php?page=su-titles" target="_blank">default post/page titles</a> are used.', 'seo-ultimate');
return $help;