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Topic level toolset not working. The EditTool Icon is there however when selected, no menu is displayed.
This only happens at the Topic level...Post level works fine.
The cause seems to be my wp theme (I'm using Thesis). When a different theme is selected, the toolset works fine.
What I've tried:
I've moved the Simple:Press javascript to the footer via Integration>>Page and Permalink>>Integration Options.
I've also tried disabling CSS/JS Combined Caching via Options>>Global Settings>>CSS/JS Combined Caching.
Neither worked.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
Link to the forum in progress : Website
think we chatted on twitter!
your page has some validation issues...
some fairly serious, like insertion of second html tag... second one inserted for/by facebook... not convinced that would cause your issue though, but should work through those 28 errors...
want to be clear where happening too... you mention topic level and post level... we refer to them as forum view and topic view... so assume you mean forum view here... the list of topics...
I see no obvious js issue, but of course, I wont be shown the forum tools... are you sure its not appearing? or maybe just in wrong spot? with the console in firefox/firebug open (or browser dev tools of your choice), when you hover over the topic, do you see some ajax responses going on? or errors?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
eh, that looks like a wild goose chase... no ajax there... sorry...
but it is just simple jquery to make the hidden element show... so still wondering where its actually located...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
if you want to just make it fixed show up, go to your sp theme (and we always strongly recommend you make your own theme before editing ours to keep it upgrade proof) and the spForumView.php template file...
around line 155, lets change:
sp_TopicForumToolButton('', '', __sp('Open the forum toolset'));
sp_TopicForumToolButton('hide=0', '', __sp('Open the forum toolset'));
and see if it shows up... note, will not be in same location as the rollover appearance...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks Mr Papa...both for the Twitter conversation and now here!
I'll take a look at html errors as you suggested and try to get those cleared up.
want to be clear where happening too… you mention topic level and post level… we refer to them as forum view and topic view… so assume you mean forum view here… the list of topics…
Yep, its while in Forum View where this is occurring.
around line 155, lets change:
sp_TopicForumToolButton('', '', __sp('Open the forum toolset'));
sp_TopicForumToolButton('hide=0', '', __sp('Open the forum toolset'));
I couldn't find anything like the above. I am using :
TForum View Function Handler
$LastChangedDate: 2013-02-08 13:43:13 -0700 (Fri, 08 Feb 2013) $
$Rev: 9827 $
The only code within the simple-press plugin mentioning "TopicForumToolButton" was in sp-forum-view-functions.php starting on line 2031
Maybe i'm missing something?
yes... its in the sp theme... so wp-content/sp-resources/forum-themes/xxxx where xxx is the theme you are using... then in the template files folder... file spForumView.php...
be sure to read:
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if you can PM me the credentials, I can take a look a bit later about 5 things going now...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
This is quite odd... and mystifying... those buttons just dont work and unsure why... tried another sp theme and disabling caching, but still just doesnt act like a button... there should be an ajax request and the dialog open... like on topic view...
dont really see any difference in things (ie js) loaded on forum view vs topic view...
any chance you can change that account to have wp admin too? want to look at the wp theme settings and see whats there... we have lots of folks using thesis if I remember correctly...
will try look a bit more tonight but might be AM before I get back to it...
nothing like a good mystery!
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