Support Forum
Hi! I need to translate the forum front-end, so my users will see this in their own language.
I have downloaded the file: and renamed it to (which is the language set in the wp-config.php)
I have placed the file in: /wp-content/sp-resources/forum-language/simple-press
The language is still not working.
This is what I followed:
I exported the Norwegian file from this location:
These are the settings i had, before i pressed export:
a lot of the front end strings, but not all, are actually in the sp theme translation... have you added a theme translation?
and some of the strings will be in the plugins translation files too...
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Hi guys!
I'm hijacking this thread, as to not cludder your boards with the same topics over and over... My problem is the same as Gomlers, only different language (Swedish) and no luck with the troubleshooting
What I've done so far is.. downloaded the appropriate .mo files from your glotpress, both for the core frontend and my theme. Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong? in / wp-content / sp-resources / forum-language / simple-press /
and spDefault-sv_SE in / wp-content / sp-resources / forum-language / sp-themes /
Yet not luck. All caches are cleared and the language in wp-config.php is set to sv_SE. Please advise if I've missed something, I'm going bananas here..
Thanks so much, and so far thanks for a GREAT plugin! I've just switched from bbpress, looking forward to exploring all your features.
EDIT: AAAAAAND my first post in these forums make me look like a retard. Somehow I managed to upload the theme .mo file to the plugins folder. Up and running perfectly now!
(On another note, where do I sign up for validation of glotpress projects? I think I can help a bit with the Swedish)
We all do it!
Be great if you are willing to help out on the translations. Validators always needed! Just let us know your login name on the translations site so w can upgrade your account. You can use the contact form link on the top of the sidebar here for that. Thanks for the offer of help...
And I hope all goes well there.