Support Forum
I've found in the profile pages where users can elect to autosubscribe to threads that they've posted in or have started but is there a spot where they can choose to receive or not receive the notifications emails without having to go through and delete all of their subscriptions?
They want the subscriptions so they can see all of the threads that they've been following but they aren't loving the constant flow of notification emails.
Other online services offer instant, daily digest, or no email we have something like that?
I'm going to bed soon so there won't be anymore new topics tonight! lol just trying to get as mush done as possible as quickly as possible after our disastrous roll-out last week.
You have many options for subscriptions - take a look at them...
If you enable digests, you can have daily or weekly digests... If users don't want notifications what's the point? Probably better off with a watch (diff plugin) which is like a subscription with no notification....
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
where? i spent 15 hours working on the site yesterday and at some point I went looking and didn't find it.
i appreciate your replies but i'm finding you often short me on specific details thus requiring multiple posts and extending out the time it takes to complete things.
it's not that I'm not trying it's just that your system takes some time to figure out. our users are definitely trying but not finding certain things.
Hey Bart,
I'm guessing you are asking where the subscriptions options and digests are found:
If you go to the plugins section in admin > forum > plugins, as if you were going to activate the subscriptions plugin, you should now notice that it has an 'options' button. This will enable you to change settings and set up digests as Mr Papa has suggested.
Although by the sound of things, it might be worth you looking at the watches plugin.
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